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  1. K

    Illegal Immigrants Deportation Operation.

    The west should deport pakis like this as well. Pakis bark the loudest about islamophobia in the west and jihad on internet. Accuse Arabs of being zionist slaves Yet they deport their own Muslim brothers and lick the feet of china who opresses their own Muslim brothers just like Israël. The...
  2. K

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Dead terroristas
  3. K

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Argentina got pro Israeli president. Netherlands got hardcore pro Israeli president. Weird I was told the people were all turning away from Israël. More lies I guess
  4. K

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Hahahahhahahahahahhaha The dog mullah pissed his pants. The party is over turn off the lights. Muslim only bark no bite
  5. K

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Hamas hospital. Soon we will see the tunnels trough which the rats escaped. We saw hamas on video running around with RPG on the steps of the hospital. why always lie and play victim???
  6. K

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    I heard they destroyed 320 of the 600 merkavas that Israel has. But then i woke up.
  7. K

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    "Shati district of northern Gaza had been completely liberated by the IDF and cleansed from militants, more than 1,000 militants were killed during the fighting, 80% of the buildings are rigged with explosives"
  8. K

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Israël taking over the Hamas hospital. I'm waiting for them to show the tunnels under the hospital
  9. K

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Wait I thought Hamas was winning. Pedo Scot Ritter told me ;D
  10. K

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Seems like you don't understand it either. Why begging Kaffirs to save Palestine instead of Allah or the ummah????
  11. K

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    He is asking a good question tho. Where is Allah and prophet Muhammad to save them???? Quran states that Allah helps the righteous Why are Muslims begging the people they call Kaffirs to save them from the Jews? Why not ask Allah or the ummah????
  12. K

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Then there is no civilians in Gaza. They are all Hamas. You use the same rhetoric that you cry about Israel is using
  13. K

    Taiwan to import 100,000 Indians

    Who in there right mind would import Muslims instead of Hindus after seeing how that worked in Europe. Muslims don't want to work. They want to steal rape and deal drugs. They are minority that has the largest unemployment and crime rate in Europe.
  14. K

    Taiwan to import 100,000 Indians

    To be honest the only group of people that is hated throughout all civilized countries for rapes, theft , violence, looting, drugs etc. are Muslims. I think you are projecting you own insecurities onto Hindus. Every country where Muslims run away to begging for recidency turns into a shithole...
  15. K

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Keep going don't stop. Keep their tanks fueled and their planes flying. Make sure to invest more into their bombs. While you are at it you should hold another Palestine rally. Make Erdogan breakdance and sing Palestine songs on stage. Jews will die of laughter and be defeated.
  16. K

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    The satellite state of turkey, Azerbaijan produces oil that goes through pipelines in Turkey to Israël. Just like the billions worth weapons they buy from Israël. He can stop it any time he wishes but I guess Palestinians are not worth it hahaha. And jumping on stage with a microphone is enough...
  17. K

    Suggestion for Pakistan-Turkey Nuclear Deterrence Command: A By-Product of Current Israil-Palestine War

    If they want to destroy Pakistan they would just stop giving it loans and let Pakistan default on its current debt. The country will collapse. No nuke will save it . That's why Pakistan behaves like a good boy regarding Israël in the conflict because it lives of the handouts of the IMF.
  18. K

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    "They should" "they should". It's not happening. The Muslim countries don't even want to sanction Israël. Turkey is flooding Israël with oil and money for weapons. Gaza is done. There will be noone to help them. Shifa hospital is almost taken then Gaza is surrounded. Just a matter of time...
  19. K

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Why are you so delusional? There is literally no more Gaza or Hamas after this is done. Israël is in the middle of Gaza surrounding the headquarters of Hamas. No Muslim country has done sht. They didn't even boycot any energy supply. How are you exactly winning expect from in your...
  20. K

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Yes now there will be only one state, Israël. Now there is no more Gaza. That is indeed the cause of your arrogance. Not making peace Thinking you will win no matter what because you believe in a man in the sky.
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