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  1. P

    KAI revives the idea of the F-50, an FA-50 derivative fighter aircraft

    @Faceless As far as I can tell, the FA-50 does not have SPJ integrated. To be honest, I'm not sure why it should be integrated. Currently, the ROK does not use the FA-50 for Offensive Counter Air missions. It is mainly used for DCA and CAS. I can see the benefits of integrating the SPJ, but I...
  2. P

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Well, as I said before, we don't know the extent of the scope, so we don't know if access to core technologies is restricted. But my sense is that the 20% contribution is not going to give you that access to the core technology. I'll have to ask Korean experts who know more about this than me...
  3. P

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Did I say you guys install and assemble airplane parts? I don't remember that.... Separately, I would like to know the exact scope of how much technology transfer is available to you within the TOT contract. I've heard that it's one thing for the US to provide us with technology, but it's...
  4. P

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    The delay in the program at that time was due to the fact that our lawmakers wanted to constantly verify that South Korea could really build this fighter, and I'm grateful that Indonesia didn't pull out of the program at that time. The last article I saw was that South Korea was negotiating...
  5. P

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    While it is true that many South Koreans have doubts about your government's KF-X/IF-X, I think it is also true that they do not want you to leave the program. In the meantime, this news is a somewhat positive sign. It shows that Indonesia wants to stay in the program. But what many SOKORs are...
  6. P

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Hello, it's a pleasure to post my first post here on the forum. In Korea, I couldn't find out exactly what Indonesians think about IF-X/KF-X, so I wandered around a lot and found this place. Hopefully, I believe the people here will be able to tell me a lot.
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