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  1. M

    Our Afghan Policy

    Let Afghanistan heal. Be part of the healing process.
  2. M

    Our Afghan Policy

    Has there been a policy error? Have we given up on our Afghan policy (after it failed to delivered what we planned to achieve?) The address by PM Gillani at the 6th Convocation Ceremony of National Defence University(NDU) is important not only for its contents but for the choice of the venue...
  3. M

    Pullout From Siachen

    This is with reference to the statement by Mr Nawaz Sharif that ‘Pakistan should take lead in pulling out of Siachen’ . Like most other statements by our politicians this statement also comes as a reaction to an event. But does it merit serious consideration? Will taking lead in pulling out our...
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    I sympathise with Dr Shakil Afridi

    I sympathise with Dr Shakil Afridi. I do that because despite acting as CIA agent and working for them for making some personal fortune for himself and his family he is now stuck in a Peshawar jail just because his client (CIA) had a poor exit plan. Having achieved what he did, he should have...
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    US-Pakistan ties and apology

    WHY is it so difficult for President Obama to apologise, express regret for an action that went wrong? Is there any regret? Our ambassador rightly says that it is the death of our soldiers at the hands of our friends and not enemies that has caused immense pain to the people of Pakistan...
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    Bearing down heavy on Pakistan

    This is with reference to US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta’s statement that ‘US is running out of patience with Pakistan’. I am sure that our military as well as the government will be well aware of what the future holds for Pakistan especially when the US threats are now becoming more...
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    Need for a secure western border

    THE Pakistan army today is faced with multidimensional challenges. None is more important than the need to understand that it must create an enabling environment to combat growing militancy in Fata (Afghanistan-Pakistan region). Our economy suggests that it should cut down the size of the...
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    Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

    If winters will bring operational hinderences for PA it will also effect the capabilities of the barbarians lined up agaist our army.Surround them,cut their lines of communication/supply and we will have them surrendering in bulk.I only pray the web that army builds around them is tight....no...
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    Operation South Waziristan (Military Pictures)

    Excellent pictures.Looking at our jawans in military fatigues doing excellent work for this country raises our level of confidence...cheers Pakistan army.:cheers:
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