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  1. StevenY

    China holds massive military parade

    This parade was held in a military training zone; civilians (except some journalists) are not allowed to enter
  2. StevenY

    China holds massive military parade

    Donglang is 100% Chinese land, nothing to do with India. Thanks
  3. StevenY

    China holds massive military parade

    Bro, the deadline will be this November, after the 19th CPC National Congress 十九大. At the moment, let the otters jump.
  4. StevenY

    China holds massive military parade

    Fine fine, the tiger is paper, the otter is the King of Jungle. Are you satisfied?
  5. StevenY

    China holds massive military parade

    No hurry, baby, no hurry. Before the 1962 war, the tiger tolerated the otter for over two years. It's amusing to see a small animal jumping up and down, thinking it is the King of the Jungle. This is just hilarious
  6. StevenY

    China holds massive military parade

    An otter bit a sleeping tiger's tail, the tiger did nothing; the otter thought "what a cowardly animal, look how brave I am""I truely love myslelf, so fearless, dare to challenge anyone in my way"... then the otter took the second bite ... let‘s figure out what happened next
  7. StevenY

    China holds massive military parade

    Salute to the Mighty Republic of India,the only Super Power in Galaxy The truth is that the 19th CPC National Congress is coming, a big event for the Chinese Communist Party; Xi Jinping doesn‘t want to cause any trouble before the Congress. So the stand-off may last until November. In...
  8. StevenY

    China holds massive military parade

    Typical Indian, again .... LoL I don‘t to talk with you anymore, let's keep this forum quiet, OK? Indian gentleman
  9. StevenY

    China holds massive military parade

    The embarrassment is not mine, but yours. You neither talked directly about the topic (1987 conflict) nor provided any evidence that can sustain your views, but endless personal attacks. Is this a typical Indian way of communication? Fine,I believe there must be someone in India can reason with...
  10. StevenY

    China holds massive military parade

    True, this kind of equipment is rare in PLA Army. Too expensive. And in recent years, most of PLA's budget was invested in Navy and Air Force, Army‘s budget has been tight.
  11. StevenY

    China holds massive military parade

    But you were not in the 1987 battle yourself, right? So what you get is just second-hand information interpreted for India’s benefits. How can you be so sure? I watched an interview with Chinese soldiers who fought the 1987 battle, they say during the stand-off, Indian solders fired the first...
  12. StevenY

    China holds massive military parade

    Then what makes you confident that INDIAN history books tell you the true story?
  13. StevenY

    China holds massive military parade

    Quite interesting , Indians never fire the first shot? This is absurd! Go to find some facts about the 1987 China-India conflict Don't take "Azad Kashmir" as your land for granted. This is a land administered by Pakistan. I think China have done enough to India. As is known to all, China...
  14. StevenY

    China holds massive military parade

    No personal attack, OK? I meant when war is inevitable, when our territorial integrity and core insterests seriously damaged, we go to war no matter who the enemy is. Many Indians believe Chins fears the Mighty Hindustan and dare not to strike back. This is just hilarious.
  15. StevenY

    China holds massive military parade

    Not true, I also have info from different sources (including Indian news websites, but I firmly believe you never read articles from Chinese sources). Every one is inclined to believing his country is innocant and great. I have to say you know almost nothing about the true China, especially...
  16. StevenY

    China holds massive military parade

    Bro, this is not what I meant, ours is ours. I just want to say, no country should war easilly.
  17. StevenY

    China holds massive military parade

    Don‘t be so arrogant. China never fears war with any enemy. In 1950s China dare to fight with the USA and other 16 UN Command forces in Korea; In 1962, China fought China-Hindu War; During 1955-1975, China supported Vietnam to win the war against the USA; In 1968, China battled with the Soviet...
  18. StevenY

    China holds massive military parade

    Well, we're receiving very different info from our home press. In China, it is India bullying Bhutan, also Nepal. And a Bhutan delegation to China (in the name of business and cultural exchange) told the Chinese that India controls Bhutan's diplomacy, economy and transportation. So far Bhutan is...
  19. StevenY

    China holds massive military parade

    You know nothing about Chinese people's mainstream thinking. Most of the Chinese never want to battle with India, because we know one simple fact: once the war started, both China and India wouldn't stop easily due to pride and honor; this means lots of blood and death. This will be a no-win...
  20. StevenY

    Photos of JF-17 and J-10

    Badly sorry, the Naval version pictures are only drafts, I forgot to mention ~~ it seems that PLA is still wondering if they should choose J10* as the naval fighter because the expenses of re-designing J10 are much higher than buying Su-33s or Mig29Ks. Hope J10* will be the final choice. Su-33...
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