West has capacity but not money to support that amount of production, thier worker would not work for less then 3000netto in that kind of factories and you need lot of them for that quantity.
And as article mentioned none will employ additional work force without long term contracts, so...
Delisional takes, by western nafo bots, russian economy grows and their military industrial complex is heating outpacing by far what nafo can supply to ukraina, they lost strategically.
In process west lost so called global south to china and russia and factually isolated them self but yet that...
No, he clearly said preconditioned things had to happen before it in larger schemes of things, it is from current point of view and sad circumtences in muslim countries almost impossible to think of but with proper strategy and commitment his approach is valid.
How can i post video here from...
No one here advocating for genocide of jews, on the other people that you wine to let them post freely are genocide hawks dispatched by hasbara department of something.
In other words, you want to enjoy and endorse in genocide cheers by forum jews.
And learn that abolishment of nazi zionists state is not call for genocide.
One lf the reasons why jews went to full genocide mode, toll of resistance asymethric warfare will become higher and higher in future, no way that day can maintain savage siege of Gaza with toys like this ln disposal of Hamas.
South Africa has more Ghayrah than muslims countries combined excluding those that have not any relations with occupiers of Palestine