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    Shopify: The Canadian tech champion taking on Amazon

    Shopify is not a bad and inexpensive solution for beginners. At the same time, this platform is not too well suited for large businesses that need unlimited customization options. Magento, for example, has an advantage for highly customizable sites, although it costs a little more.

    It’s official: Spotify finally launching in Bangladesh

    I know it's possible to stream online and constantly build up an audience to share new songs. I tried to do so, but there were restrictions on the country where the account was registered. Now it will be easier. Good news for me as a musician. Maybe I, too, will become popular abroad and be able...

    President for promoting higher education to put country on fast track of socio-economic development

    Education should not be developed in a country where the social and economic situation is bad. And it is necessary to allow students to leave and come with higher education to give new advantages and results in their own country. If a student studies at the same asa miami college, then returns...

    Social media is an important domain of Hybrid war

    To be honest, I do not understand one thing, why it was necessary to fight against such a giant as Russia, if it was initially clear that Ukraine would lose. The President of Ukraine had a lot of opportunities to sidestep the war, but he decided not to do it.

    Bangladesh’s forex reserves cross $44bn

    Of course, trading can be very profitable, but at times you risk literally everything to get a profit. Therefore, trading is a very dangerous job.

    Mental Health Corner

    Hi there! I want to share my little story with you. For a long time, I was under the supervision of a psychotherapist, who claimed that there was nothing wrong with me. It was just anxiety, excessive emotionality, and occasional burnout at work and in life. My ex was of the same opinion, and...

    Apple MacBook Air (M1) review: gamechanging speed and battery life

    As soon as you have a problem with your Mac, there is no need for you to worry. All you have to do is bring the device to a local repair service, and they will take care of everything else. A laptop repair service has all the necessary tools and equipment to handle any computer or laptop-related...

    Guns for new owners: Price, Reliability, Usability

    @JohnWick007 I want to say that you should understand the responsibility if you dare to buy a gun. For a beginner, your best bet is to buy a small-caliber pistol. You need to consult with a professional from a certified gun store. I also got my first gun for self-defense, and now I'm buying...

    Self-driving tractors are now a reality in China

    The construction of uncrewed tractors fits into this plan and solves current problems: China is facing an aging "army of labor" in agriculture, with a shortage of young people willing to endure the difficulties of cultivating the land. The Chinese authorities imagine a driverless combine...

    Small House Construction Scheme by Imran Khan

    I think this is a very profitable system... And if this is the case, then Pakistanis will be able to buy apartments for themselves without any problems. My relatives live in Pakistan and have been planning to build a house for about ten years, but they still don't have the opportunity. They live...

    Pakistan's First Deaf Vlogger | UI/UX Designer Brand Ambassador | Change Maker

    I am fond of graphic design and application creation. Therefore, I always follow any information on the Internet. Usually, designers don't run their social networks... I do not know what this is related to, but it is exactly so in most cases. I think if you follow his Instagram, you can learn ui...

    Nike shifts footwear production from China to Vietnam

    After reading the thread, I summed up that workforce in Vietnam and Indonesia is cheaper than in China? Did I get it right? That's why clothes manufacturing has a heavy position in countries like Vietnam, Indonesia, Bangladesh? I'm wondering how's these big companies' attitude towards simple...

    New Introductions

    1) Tell your interests Religion, Business, Economics, Marketing, video game, Info Tech. 2) What do you do. IT. 3) How did you find us Google. 4) What interests you here? Intellectual Discussion, Information, Making friend. 5) What is your profession? Game developer 6) Future plans...

    Appreciate the performance of ancient Chinese musical instruments

    I like their playing, and I especially like the way they look. The patterned wood grain enhances the appearance of the instrument (but it also increases the cost). Herringbone" decks are made of two pieces of wood with a texture at a certain angle to the center of the bar. In cheaper...
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