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  1. F

    Pakistani Roads, Motorways and Highways

    Thanks for curiosity, kindly check the links below, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motorways_of_Pakistan There is interactive google map by the NHA of all the highways which includes built and proposed motorways, kindly check that as well (wonderful tool for boredom)...
  2. F

    Smartphone manufacturers in Pakistan

    The real money is in the software development, not in hardware sale/exports of these assembled phones, so emphasis on this sector as export has not much potential due to cut-throat nature of razor thin margins.
  3. F

    Pakistani Roads, Motorways and Highways

    Would you kindly let us know how many access controlled carriageways were initiated during 2019-2021? By the way comparing the cost of road from Havelian to Thakot section of Hazara Expressway to any other road in Pakistan is absolutely farce.
  4. F

    Romania cancelled 1.2bn$ French Gowind-class corvettes deal

    FATF restrictions on Pakistan, current situation is comeuppance that couldn't happened to more deserving country, French Fries !!!
  5. F

    Pakistani Roads, Motorways and Highways

    Funny thing is I was watching the update on Youtube regarding the Mumbai-Dehli Expressway, in the comments section there was so much trash talking about Pakistan, Its unbelievable. Generally you guys have a far too low an opinion about Pakistan.
  6. F

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    Wonderfully analyzed, there is only one thing that I might add is that the ground on which Block 3 is present in not at a level, look the lines present on the tarmac and lack of shadow on the ground, so that means that plane is at angle up-ward, where front part of plane is bit higher than the...
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