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    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Man, just pause.
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    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    You know what’s disappointing? Being on a “Pakistan defence forum” but still giving these mouth pieces a microphone. Like wtf do they give us the time of day to spew the crap that we see on here? I think we all need to look in the mirror and ask ourselves what we stand for. We may criticize the...
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    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    For Muslims, this battle is going to define us. It’s going to bring all the people behind the shadows defending the Zionists vs standing up for what’s matters. This is the reasons they took Sadaam out and look at Pakistan they don’t need to take them out when 300 mill solves the problem
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    Pakistani and Indian Military exchange fire near Sialkot, Zafarwal Sector 26/10/2023

    Hahaha what else is left. Pakistan acts like such a cuck lately, always playing the tertiary role and responding back in similar manner. Never taking the offensive or responding with appropriate force. Look at Israel look and the rest of the world continuing to sit ideal and pleasing the west...
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    Hindu priest Narsinganand wants to join Israeli forces in war

    Send this chutiya to the front. He probably won’t last a few hours.
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    ‘Barbie’ is not banned, due to LGBTQ content in Pakistan

    Quite frankly, the movie should we banned. Do we wanna continue to be cucks and allow LGBTQ agenda to prosper in Pakistan? Or do we wanna be liberals and show the US of how accepting we are? Lol priorities
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    Oh that’s cool. Except no one is buying the su30s though
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    Pakistani Woman Went to India with 4 Kids After Falling in Love with an Indian Man on PUBG

    We don’t even find joy in your women they just come and go time wasting activities. lol you should hear them in bed “I don’t believe in cows” “ i will convert” lol calm down
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    Pakistani Woman Went to India with 4 Kids After Falling in Love with an Indian Man on PUBG

    And don’t worry you Indian skinny boys, in US Canada and Europe we treat your Indian women like 4th tier. I only call them on a Tuesday at 2 am and still she spreads them. Lol you might think you’re winning the little battles but we win the wars. lol we don’t need weak women that wanna fall for...
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    Zardari was Shifted back Home from hospital in Dubai on Sunday !

    That sucks why can’t these people just die and let Pakistan prosper. Next up is the kids but they should be taken out tbh
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    Saudi refused written Guarantee !

    How much more do these people want to rob pakiatan? Do they not realize it’s their own demise. Everyone should riot and hang both ppp and nawaz party in the streets and start fresh. New parties new voting system just clean house.
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    Banana 🍌 republic of Pakistan

    Let’s be honest Musharraf should have killed nawaz and rid us of this misery.
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    Anyone Who Kills Cow Would Rot in Hell: Allahabad High Court (India)

    Whoppers? Nah, give me a 32 oz rib eye steak medium rare 🐄
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    Unprofessional Israeli soldier attacks Palestine activist

    The truth is not anti Jew
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    2 Air Force Jets Involved In Major Crash In Madhya Pradesh: Reports

    Just waiting for when it says it was Rafaele … just a matter of time.
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    Process to Ensure PTI Doesn't Win Future National Assembly Seats from Karachi has Started

    Truth be told this is completely embarrassing. The vultures have all came out of the grave to continue to feast on our backs.
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    Projectile supposedly fired from Iran lands in Pakistan

    You let one coward in india get away now everyone else thinks they can do the same and get away. Mistake or not it should have been treated as an attack on our sovereignty but we sat their twirling our thumbs in DHA.
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    Kashmir files and the pakistani song hum dekhenge

    What they really say is hum dicck Lenge 😂
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    Drone strike kills multiple BLA

    Well done. Drones are ideal for difficult terrains and you diminish life lost on our side. More of this
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