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  1. EvilWesteners

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Upon reflection on recent events within this forum, having seen and experienced first hand debates and outbursts that offer nothing, provide nothing, achieve nothing, but only accomplish release of anger, almost always misplaced, pointless, idiotic, and irrelevant in the real scheme of life, I...
  2. EvilWesteners

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    my email is cscust1 at gmail. Let's get this done.
  3. EvilWesteners

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Just in case there is an assumption that engines on top of air crafts, are an impossibility, and it represents an unsurmountable engineering design problem or flaw, I would offer SAAB research for more than 20+ years. (right from Saab's archives), Saab designed the original Gripen with...
  4. EvilWesteners

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    My brother Sina-1, Thank you for your kind words. But neither you or anyone else here that matters, owes me an apology. You have done nothing to me whatsoever. I was not offended, honestly, by such an amateurish outburst that offered no dispute of the facts regarding Iran's defense industry. I...
  5. EvilWesteners

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Ich, Vielen Dank, dass Sie Klarheit bieten. Mir wird oft vorgeworfen, zu wenig einzuschätzen, da ich realistischer als optimistisch sein möchte. Ich schätze Ihre Kommentare. Ich habe immer großen Respekt vor den Menschen und vor der deutschen Kultur. Ich war in den letzten 40 Jahren etwa 100...
  6. EvilWesteners

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Your outburst here regarding my post is quite outrageous and uncalled for. There is no purpose to it other than a personal, egotistical, spurt of nonsense. You offered no proof of what IRIAF defence industry is capable of or not. They have had both of the platforms I mentioned for nearly 50...
  7. EvilWesteners

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    AF of just about every country on the planet starts with a requirements analysis. They ask themselves what do they need, air superiority, airborne air defense, interdiction, multi-role, etc. So it always starts from what an AF requires. Then they look at what options they have, what are their...
  8. EvilWesteners

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    There you go again ... confirming what I said all along ... China had a strong military before it had a strong economy. I know Chinese mentality, I talk about it in conferences for an hour. Same as Russia. Same as U.S. Same as Britain. I feel your pain about CIA/Mossadegh/Qajar etc.my...
  9. EvilWesteners

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    My friend, none of these matter and are all connected to your aspiration for Iran based on your love and passion for that country. REALITY CHECK ... Only hand full of counties on earth are even close to economically stable. Here in U.S. there is a short term $23T debt, and a $80+T long term...
  10. EvilWesteners

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    My friend, most Iranians that love their country share your passion, but you cannot make statements like " Iran since 1979 has built ZERO economic leverage " ... Inadvertently you proved my point. Just because a nation has a good economy, for a while, it does not mean anything, hence UAE, again...
  11. EvilWesteners

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Good points. But you do recognize Economy is connected to Defense? right? If Iran can secure its rights through display of defensive strength, it achieves investments that are protected, be it Russia or China or India or Malaysia or others and its economy will do substantially better. Why do...
  12. EvilWesteners

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Does not need to be "world class". Does not need to be Rafale. Iran needs to copy F-14 (new airframes of course), a platform it knows extremely well, one of the best radius at max speed turn rate, and ample room for long range BVR missiles. Iran just needs a new engine for it, as well as a new...
  13. EvilWesteners

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Thank you my brother.
  14. EvilWesteners

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Forgive me Blue, if I am ignorant and not understand what you are saying here ... BUT to me, HOPE is nothing. It's like, a word. In project management, in engine development, or anything of this type, HOPE, is a word, that is ... like nothing. It's like saying, STRAWBERRIES. It means nothing...
  15. EvilWesteners

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Let me clarify what I have said before, as I am always a bit insecure in being misunderstood - and particularly careful in using my words not to misrepresent things. When I was working at RR, I had an Iranian mentor (for about 10+ of the years I was there). He is one of the sweetest individuals...
  16. EvilWesteners

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Thank you my friend. You are gentleman and a great contributor offering us all a deeper view. Thank you.
  17. EvilWesteners

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Great perspective Blue. Let me just add a little to it. I have many Jewish friends, who are in very powerful positions. When I am with them, when I listen to them, and I see the depth of their thinking, I AM QUITE BEWILDERED by their unique CLARITY of UNITY. I can tell you countless stories...
  18. EvilWesteners

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Thank you Blue. I am not offended personally, he does not know me, nor do I know him, nor wish to after his bluster. I DO NOT WANT this forum, as little as we Iranians have to reach each other and share perspectives, to be convoluted into a mindless stage of ignorance and conceit, with ego and...
  19. EvilWesteners

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    It appears, as if you are directing this regarding my post requesting any information, others may have regarding JF-17. I cannot contemplate the mindset that finds it so disturbing that someone is asking if anyone has any sources or can/cannot confirm something? Why would this ruffle any...
  20. EvilWesteners

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    Yavar, Your comments above are totally uncalled for. FIRST ... the news I heard was from a source who is in Iran, we worked together at RR, and he is known to be a great source for Iran's technical electronic documentation and archive expert, at the moment, back home. He said he had some...
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