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    Tata is owner of Tata-Daewoo Pakistan

    For goodness sake! TATA doesn't own Daewoo Pakistan. Daewoo was purchased by General Motors several decades ago. They decided to sell it off in 2004. Tata decided to buy it. Since many such companies are sold piecemeal, "Sammi Corporation" which is an old, well established Korean firm, decided...
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    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    We aren't using SD-10 on any JF-17?
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    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    What is the current status of Block 1 and Block 2 Thunder regarding integration with Chinese medium range BVR missiles (SD-10/PL-12)? Has it been integrated with all Pakistani aircraft yet? Secondly, is there any status report on PL-15 integration with current inventory of JF-17 or will that...
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    Kowsar Ver II - Possibilities !

    The Iranian "Kowsar" is an ancient F-5E aircraft that was designed in 1950's. It is virtually impossible to turn 1950's technology into a 4+ generation aircraft! The Iranian copy of F-5E mainly serves propaganda purposes. The aircraft nose cone precludes the use of a high powered Radar. The...
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    How to counter indian S-400 after this Kashmir issue

    The S-400 is one of the most potent area denial weapons in existence. A saturation attack by ballistic missiles, ALCM and SOW will make it very hard for India to use it effectively. As has been proven in Syria, a substantial quantity of area denial weapons are required to cover the whole country...
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