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  1. F

    Is there any forum related to digital marketing?

    basically i am looking for social media marketers
  2. F

    Is there any forum related to digital marketing?

    any section on defence.pk or any other forum related to digital marketing .
  3. F

    Pakistan offers counter-terrorism assistance to Sri Lanka

    Yes you are right . but we also needs some more improvement in your law and order .thanks to our Armies for defeating terrorism.
  4. F

    Is the IMF Destroying Pakistan's Economy and Does the Islamic System have a solution?

    We Pakistani are responsible for this massive economic destruction .we preferred buying made in china goods and other imported goods.Like we are spending billions of rupees on buying imported vehicles just Vehicles: $2.7 billion in 2018
  5. F

    Pakistan offers counter-terrorism assistance to Sri Lanka

    May Their soul Rest in Peace terrorists don't have any religion but how Pakistan can help Sri Lanka in fighting terrorism from more than a decade we are facing same problems. First we have to be example of peace and harmony
  6. F

    Quetta 14 people killed in terrorist attack on costal highway

    May the martyrs rest in peace. In my opinion some terrorist group is targeting specific community to make bad image of our country. What role a society can play for peace in Baluchistan?
  7. F

    Hi all

    you need to join gamers form bro
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