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  1. Behram Khilji

    Ruling coalition dubs PTI ‘clique of militants’, resolves to take action

    Sorry buddy, we prefer Rehman Baba, Khushal khan khattak, people we can relate to. One should take pride in their ethnicity, but being proud of what you are doesn’t mean you are against anyone. Was a Khilji before Islam and still a Khilji and till akhira, we will be Pukhtoons , Baloch Khiljis...
  2. Behram Khilji

    Ruling coalition dubs PTI ‘clique of militants’, resolves to take action

    Are you telling us about our dress?. Wow yeah Indian that’s me golden haired, green eyes very fair skinned Indian who hails from Balochistan. Punjabis and their wild conspiracy theories, just let your imagination run wild while you muse on a keema nan. Who gives a flying monkey what you think...
  3. Behram Khilji

    Ruling coalition dubs PTI ‘clique of militants’, resolves to take action

    What can neutrals do, nothing at all Pukhtoons and Baloch have lost their honour and have become pussies. Unite and stand together, honour your forefathers don’t be slaves of the man with a gun.
  4. Behram Khilji

    Ruling coalition dubs PTI ‘clique of militants’, resolves to take action

    What will come is a civil war, it’s long overdue they are pushing the country towards it.
  5. Behram Khilji

    Ruling coalition dubs PTI ‘clique of militants’, resolves to take action

    Let’s hope GHQ doesn’t get banned, their salwar was off now the kameez is almost gone too. No one trusts GHQ, they will die a slow death, they gave no credibility left.
  6. Behram Khilji

    OPINION Pathan terrorists cleared from zaman park. Geo news (Rise of jag Punjab jag 2.0 movement by PMLN?)

    United we stand as Pukhtoons, Baloch for same blood runs through us. We are Taliban, we are BLA we are everything that you say we are. Question is what can you do about it, fukk all.
  7. Behram Khilji

    Pak army finds HUGE cache of weapons in Chaman, Baluchistan.

    All the military is your kind, all the killers of prime ministers and topples of government are your kind. All traitors and cowards are from your kind, we can do mud slinging all night long but what will it achieve, nothing but more hatred. We have no love for you, you have no love for us, we...
  8. Behram Khilji

    Pak army finds HUGE cache of weapons in Chaman, Baluchistan.

    Quite mind boggling, every time political child of the establishment or the establishment is in spotlight huge explosion in Peshawar mosque, which according to kpk police was carried out by the namalooom in uniform. Imran khan protests and Huge attack and killing in APS School. I wonder who...
  9. Behram Khilji

    Pak army finds HUGE cache of weapons in Chaman, Baluchistan.

    No complaint buddy, every fallen pukhtoon gets replaced by t another, same for the Baloch. I am just saying it’s state policy of the majority to oppress, demonise and persecute the minorities. You are a majority, celebrate away you guys are winning.
  10. Behram Khilji

    Pak army finds HUGE cache of weapons in Chaman, Baluchistan.

    It’s a fact these are local people be it BLA, obviously after Bugti killing, these are Baloch. TTP is pukhtoon, created by the establishment to profiteer from financial assistance to combat terrorism and Paint pukhtoons as Taliban. They are not Afghan, they are locals but if you insist that...
  11. Behram Khilji

    Pak army finds HUGE cache of weapons in Chaman, Baluchistan.

    what is terrorism?. Defending one’s liberty, culture and way of life is terrorism?. Refusing bases to foreign powers is terrorism? Questioning looting of local resources is terrorism? The bombs in mosques we know who is behind that, we know who that namaloom is. Remember one man’s terrorist is...
  12. Behram Khilji

    Pak army finds HUGE cache of weapons in Chaman, Baluchistan.

    Am sure Musharrif has got a cell next to a furnace in hell, he has lots of blood of innocent people on his hands, from lawyers to genocide of Baluch and Pukhtoons and carried forward by kiyani.
  13. Behram Khilji

    Pak army finds HUGE cache of weapons in Chaman, Baluchistan.

    Yup first huge cache of weapons discovered, then a clash with TTP, it’s all a setup by the army to ensure that no elections can take place. Demonising our people, making us look the bad guys, spilling our blood.
  14. Behram Khilji

    Exchange of fire between security forces and terrorists including mortar fire, eight terrorists killed, two soldiers injured: ISPR

    Oh it’s only pukhtoon, call it collateral damage, no biggy. False operations to show that there is a security issue so election can be postponed.
  15. Behram Khilji

    Pak army finds HUGE cache of weapons in Chaman, Baluchistan.

    So you don’t wanna go for the snakes head?. To you, an Afghan maybe an enemy can I politely ask what province you are from?. Do you think all Pakistanis feel the way you do? So after the Afghan and Baloch are done who is next Pukhtoons? Do you think the fallen will not be replaced by their...
  16. Behram Khilji

    Pak army finds HUGE cache of weapons in Chaman, Baluchistan.

    So you ready conquer Afghanistan, Derillis Ranjit Singh? This has nothing to do with Afghans, it’s local people, you need to look closer to home. Oh well that’s like 60% percent of Baloch population, do we have enough gas?. How am I a racist and what treatment did I get please enlighten me.
  17. Behram Khilji

    Pak army finds HUGE cache of weapons in Chaman, Baluchistan.

    Let’s get something straight here, he has not been racist to me or nor I to him, we have different views, these views are not against any public. Racism by the state, not by public.
  18. Behram Khilji

    Pak army finds HUGE cache of weapons in Chaman, Baluchistan.

    Concentration camps the way forward?,
  19. Behram Khilji

    Pak army finds HUGE cache of weapons in Chaman, Baluchistan.

    I still stand by that statement, why I stand by that statement is that those who were not loyal to their place of origin and left can do the same in another place. Love of native Pakistani will always be more.
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