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  1. YoucefZighoud

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Colonizers need some new material, same old tropes still being used to this day. Only a dumbass would fall for this. '' The murderous fellagha (mujahideen) are stealing your savings. Abroad, the leaders of the rebellion are celebrating with your hard earned money.''
  2. YoucefZighoud

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Very well said. As a great man once said: ''May the eyes of the coward never find sleep''.
  3. YoucefZighoud

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Algerian war of independence: 1.5M Algerians died vs 30K French died; Result: FLN victory Vietnamese war of independence: 1M died vs 70k French died; Result: Viet Minh victory Learn history colonizer apologists.
  4. YoucefZighoud

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    I love how they can't pronounce the arabic letter ح (ha), which I'm pretty sure exists in hebrew. KHamas, KHezbollah, lol. Real testament to their ''semitic'' roots lol
  5. YoucefZighoud

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    A little bit of naivete, a little bit of carelessness, but mostly CIA fuelled constant internal strife, backstabbing, corruption, blackmail. Which makes arab rulers hyper focused on internal affairs and scared for their seats if they risk anything on the international stage. The optimist part...
  6. YoucefZighoud

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    There was never ever any intention from the Zionists to go for a 2 state solution. You need to understand that to understand the desperate situation the Palestinians are in. It's all smoke and mirrors, buying time and the zionazis boast about it to the Palestinians all the time. Their jibber...
  7. YoucefZighoud

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    What I meant is Hamas's goals aren't conventional victory through the destruction of the enemy. They are not stupid, they know this is not achievable with their limited capabilities. The goals are primarily political, to shake up the unacceptable status quo, to bring back the Palestinian cause...
  8. YoucefZighoud

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Allah yer7am chouhada. Seeing all the calls to surrender, to accept the status quo, to stop resisting makes me realize how glorious my grand-parents were and incha'Allah the Palestinians will join them in the pantheon of legendary revolutionaries. Better to die fighting than to spend to spend...
  9. YoucefZighoud

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    It's so dishonest it borders on insulting. ZIONISTS DO NOT RESPECT ANY TREATY, THEY DON'T RESPECT INTERNATIONAL LAW. How is that so hard to understand. Fighting is the only option.
  10. YoucefZighoud

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    The only mistake Hamas did is thinking Israel actually values the life of it's people. The plan was to shake up the unacceptable status quo and to trade hostages for the thousands of illegally detained Palestinians in Zionist torture centers. Stop analyzing this as if it's some sort of...
  11. YoucefZighoud

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Westoids would never let it happen. The whole point of Israel and the bitchfour declaration was so the anglos and the french could stop the emergence of a big arab state encompassing the levant and the arabian peninsula. It's their biggest nightmare. Same goes for north africa with their little...
  12. YoucefZighoud

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Wow according to google maps that's way out on the outskirts. Impressive to still be holding that far out.
  13. YoucefZighoud

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Look at this, wtf are the Palestinians supposed to do when faced with such brazen impunity? Zionist apologists are despicable. slimy depraved creatures, experts at accusatory inversion. They're probably the type of people who call the police when someone makes a U-turn using their driveway but...
  14. YoucefZighoud

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    What's with the sectarian obsessions here? The issue is clearly imperialism, saudi arabia and jordan are straight up pawns of the US and Egypt has been beaten into submission and their empress has been placed there by a CIA backed coup. It has nothing to do with sunnism or anything else, it's an...
  15. YoucefZighoud

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    The problem is Sissi. There is no way to resupply the resistance because of that cucklord. Weapons would flow in en masse from Algeria, Tunisia, Lybia, if it was possible.
  16. YoucefZighoud

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Letting go of the ethno-fascist project is their only option. If that's considered national suicide well then tough luck, don't be nazis I guess? As long as they cling to it there will be no peace for the settler colony. If they think their tyranny will ever be tolerated by the Palestinians...
  17. YoucefZighoud

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Which makes it a war crime. They're basically randomly bombing in the hopes that maybe with some luck it'll strike some resistance fighters.
  18. YoucefZighoud

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Oopsie IDF Spokesperson States, "the emphasis is on damage and not on accuracy."
  19. YoucefZighoud

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

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