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  1. M

    Pervez Musharraf Challenges Modi

    Thank you sir. I am part of a group of at least 10 physicians doing this. Some trained from places like Oxford university. It's really humbling to be a part of this. The amount of raw talent in our country is mind blowing and I hope we can make the most of it. There are some incredibly...
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    Pervez Musharraf Challenges Modi

    There are many of us in America working hard to make a good name for ourselves. There are plenty of families here who are educated or well off and donate to the masjid and our community. He was only interested in meeting Muslim republicans and those who would sell us out for profit. Typical...
  3. M

    27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

    The witnesses most likely thought it was a PAF jet when it was an Indian plane. India doesn't want anyone to see because it would be embarrassing. Of course they could release pictures. Why release a supposed picture of our missile casing if they had our plane?
  4. M

    Pervez Musharraf Challenges Modi

    this fool Musharraf came to America a few years ago. I saw the families he was pandering to. Wealthy Pakistani families who had no values. Everyone in the family is a drunk, the daughters date white guys, and the family is rich so he makes a stop. Another family is wealthy off scamming the...
  5. M

    The Boys Are Back in Town - Pakistan Day Parade 2019 Rehearsals

    I really don't think we should be retiring any aircraft. In the event of war these planes should be converted to autonomous drones and overwhelm enemy air defenses. Send them into India to test their response or send them after the carrier group to give us intel and force them to scramble...
  6. M

    Retaking Kashmir after 70 years

    Arm them with high tech cameras. Produce documentaries at a world class level that showcase the plight of kashmiris. They will come to us for weapons when they are sick of seeing the circulating video of a child blinded, girl raped, or innocent murdered. The world will no longer be able to...
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    Maximizing Our Impacy On Indian Elections

    Multiple sources suggest more news is to come regarding what happened between PAF and IAF. When is the best time to release this evidence to maximize impact on the elections and ruin Modi? What information could Pakistan release to prove the identity of the other downed jet? It seems more and...
  8. M

    Would it be possible

    I know it's crazy but we have to think outside of the box. Unconventional ways of moving equipment creates surprises. I know it's nearly impossible guys. I'm just discussing a hypothetical at time of war that would give us a huge surprise advantage over our enemy. Imagine the shock to an...
  9. M

    Debunking Indian claims of F-16 firing AIM-120C AMRAAM

    They are a good parts bin we raid from time to time but even employing Russian air defense is a step in the wrong direction. India is important to Russia and Israel for arms sales. We are never going to be able to make our sales important enough for Russia to ignore Indians concerns when selling...
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    Would it be possible

    In wartime could CPEC have created the infrastructure to transport a modern sub from china to Pakistan's coast through the mainland? Can China get one to us any other way without India knowing. Would be better to have it and not tell them.
  11. M

    Debunking Indian claims of F-16 firing AIM-120C AMRAAM

    Special Bharti Su30 missile teleported our F-16 into another dimension leaving only the missile he was able to fire before leaving this universe.
  12. M

    Debunking Indian claims of F-16 firing AIM-120C AMRAAM

    I used to wish Pak had more Russian equipment, now I thank Allah for he is the greatest of planners. They are out in full force supporting India and trying to make this look bad for Pakistan. Your equipment is bad and you should feel bad Russia. It underperformed. Israel constantly defeats your...
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