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  1. Riz.social

    Pakistan Top Stories 4 December 2019

    Here are the top stories of the day: 1. Government to install floating solar panels on Dams, Canals 2. ASF Personnel to be Court Martialled for Manhandling Passengers 3. Arshad Sharif Praised for His Prowess in Investigative Journalism 4. Twitterati praises Government for Stabilizing the Economy
  2. Riz.social

    Boycott Bank AlFalah trends on Twitter and it's funny

    I would love to, but I don't tolerate personal attacks. Condemn my work all you like, disagree with it, but to arrive at conclusion like this about my identity, that cannot be accepted... I picked a trend from Twitter where there is more freedom of expression as you can see from the tweets...
  3. Riz.social

    Boycott Bank AlFalah trends on Twitter and it's funny

    send someone over, she won't complain!
  4. Riz.social

    Twitter clarifies Bakhtawar B Zardari's Misconceptions about Accountability

    Thank you so much guys, for the hosla afzaie, Allah ap sab ko bohot khush rakhey. Trending Pakistan will inshaAllah do everything it takes to inform and educate the amazing youth of Pakistan, distilling the facts from myths and the likes. Thanks again, jazak Allah kher You're spot on. I don't...
  5. Riz.social

    Open Letter to Army Chief from ex-Security Officer FBISE

    Dear Sir, Prior to this, I have apprised the prime minister of Pakistan as well as minister education of these developments but they couldn't care less. Recently, when the shameless scandal of the illegal appointment of a cabinet minister's sister as director NACTA made headlines, that is when...
  6. Riz.social

    Democracy Strengthens as Senior Defense/Judiciary Officers Face Accountability

    Army chief endorses 14-year rigorous punishment upon ex-lieutenant general of army and death sentence to ex-brigadier of army and another civil officer with PhD degree operating at sensitive location on charges of espionage. During the same period, the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC), which is...
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