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  1. WarDaddy97

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    Absolutely not. They hate each other in Caucasus on biblical proportions. You’re misinformed because you’re filthy uneducated illiterate peasant. Take a look, you are so stupid you don’t even know when USSR collapses. You say 92? It collapsed in December 1991:lol: Treaty was signed in 92 and...
  2. WarDaddy97

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    Oh God your illiteracy is sickening. https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/int/csto.htm Just STFU and admit you are a peasant and crawl down your shithole.
  3. WarDaddy97

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    And again you gotta know history and have an open mind to understand why these 2 small christian nations are so different when it comes to Muslims. Georgians, using their defensive network in predominantly mountainous terrain, managed to stay semi independent. Georgia consisted of few kingdoms...
  4. WarDaddy97

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    Dagestanis especially Avars hate chechens. Chechens hate Ingush. Ingush hate Ossetians. Ossetians hate Georgians. They all hate each other in that region whether you’re Moslem or Christian. And they all have territorial claims to each other’s territory. Lezgins claim northern part of Az...
  5. WarDaddy97

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    Armenians, unlike Georgians, did not have independent fiefdoms so they couldn’t be complicit in such betrayal. Georgians, on the other hand, were constantly raided by north Caucasus tribes aligned with Ottomans and Iranians. Thus, Georgians had no choice but to join russians
  6. WarDaddy97

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    And there won’t be any permission. Ru has only one solid ally in SC and that’s Armenia.
  7. WarDaddy97

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    They intervene anywhere they want in that region. From Donbass to Georgia. They call the shots there not Turkey.
  8. WarDaddy97

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    The skirmishes in Nakhichevan took place in May 1992. However, Heydar Aliyev declared a unilateral ceasefire on 23 May and sought to conclude a separate peace with Armenia. Armenian President Levon Ter-Petrossian expressed his willingness to sign a cooperation treaty with Nakhchivan to end the...
  9. WarDaddy97

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    Come on dude...we are talking about 1992 when none of the post soviet republics had any sizable armed forces. Maybe except Ukraine and Belarus with their stockpiles and cadres but definitely not South Caucasus nor even Central Asia Russians told Turks “what to do so” not Armenians...
  10. WarDaddy97

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    I doubt Az will ever start offensive op to reclaim enclave. I don’t know much about this post soviet conflict but looking at google maps I see that opposite side controls pretty much all the high ground and had dug in multilayered fortifications. To dislodge them Az will need massive firepower...
  11. WarDaddy97

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    And then General Shaposhnikov threatened that Turks will face consequences and Ankara backed off https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1992-05-21-mn-337-story.html and no it wasn’t during Ciler
  12. WarDaddy97

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    Dude stop posting garbage from almasdarnews. If you have zero respect for yourself at least respect users here
  13. WarDaddy97

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    NATO will not grant a membership to any country with an existing territorial conflict. So yes NATO WOULD BLOCK AZ MEMBERSHIP. So don’t even entertain that idea. 2. Even if hypothetically NATO will decide you override their rules, Russia is going to squeeze Az very hard from ordinary diaspora...
  14. WarDaddy97

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    It’s hard to understand your insinuations because you tend to talk in Morse code:partay: For instance who is we? We NATO or we Azerbaijan. So since you’re an Azerbaijani then yes, you will need russian permission, my “German” brotha 2. Bingo my genius “German” brotha. Turkey blocked Cyprus’s...
  15. WarDaddy97

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    1.What do you mean “since when NATO ask permission”? What kind of retarded question is this my “German “ brotha? 2. Cyprus is not in NATO my “German “brotha 3. Perhaps but I doubt IA is interested in military reforms. Strong military always overthrows dictators especially family dynasties. They...
  16. WarDaddy97

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    Absolutely insane idea 1st and foremost, Russia won’t allow it 2. Az has an unsolved conflict over Karabakh which is a hurdle in joining NATO 3 to join NATO Azerbaijan military must meet nato standards. And I don’t mean the way they march or rank structure. There must be zero corruption and...
  17. WarDaddy97

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    I guess you need to do some reading. armenian border with Turkey patrolled by Russian FSB. Moreover there is a 102nd russian military base in Gyumri(formerly Alexandropol) Russian military presence in Armenia allows armenian military to concentrate in Karabakh and border regions with Azerbaijan...
  18. WarDaddy97

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    Look. Wagner is just a PMC. We wiped our boots on them without even thinking twice. Since you are involved on the ground they are your responsibility and we will put pressure accordingly on diplomatic channels. Militarily? No, we have an election year
  19. WarDaddy97

    Developments and Turkish operations in Libya

    You sound like a military expert who spent considerable time embedded with Arab armies. :lol: Well, here is my take. Among conventional Arab armies who performed better against Israel? Unequivocally Egyptians especially during Yom Kippur war. They also fought better during war of attrition...
  20. WarDaddy97

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    There is no IRGC in Lebanon and especially in Bekaa Valley. not even on Syrian border with israel. In Syria IRGC is present at T4, along the coast close to “Russian umbrella” and DZ area NATO is not war with Iran not even US. But Israel smacks you around without impunity and US,when it felt...
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