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  1. rajiv sharma

    Sri Lanka Wants to Undo Deal to Lease Port to China for 99 Years

    :o::rofl::( hamban:smitten:tota is not recycle bin and china aint no windows 10 . there is no delete option . sorry :laughcry:
  2. rajiv sharma

    Why Rajapaksa's victory a setback for India but good for Pakistan

    wow , thanks for enlightenment . BTW there are many saints like buddha in Bharat . and budhism is one of the streams which flows from sanatan dharma . lucky for you , discussing religion is not allowed here , or else i give you few teachings which you wont find buddha ever preached in his life...
  3. rajiv sharma

    The Muslim Sanskrit professor boycotted over his religion

    and you probably know the real facts about b@st@rds as i assume as perceived by your confidence and words you came into existence after another b@st@rd did his favorite time pass ( r@pe actually ) with full glory .
  4. rajiv sharma

    Indian Wedding In Turkey

    yesterday we had rain here , the could is clear now . :usflag:work is going on to fix the issue . yesterday , delhi had 450+ AQI before yesterday and it came down to safe levels of 67 yesterday :smitten...
  5. rajiv sharma

    Saudi, UAE discuss $70B crude refinery project in India

    https://www.reuters.com/article/us-reliance-stakesale-saudiaramco/reliance-to-sell-20-stake-in-oil-to-chemicals-arm-to-saudi-aramco-idUSKCN1V20FG do some home work before analyzing and making predictions :undecided: BTW they have huge plans for India viz a viz investments and keep following the...
  6. rajiv sharma

    'Indian food is terrible' tweet sparks hot debate

    yuck , offer me a million $ and eat food from turkey , i will reject , rather puke on it , BTW throw some light on dog food you mentioned in your comments .
  7. rajiv sharma

    'Indian food is terrible' tweet sparks hot debate

    lol yea , wherever i see food from turkey , i buy that food , waste my money and feed the stray dogs too . really want to puke when i see food from turkey , really disgusting food . good for the stray dogs though , i always make them happy and buy turkish food dishes for them . lucky and happy...
  8. rajiv sharma

    Why Rajapaksa's victory a setback for India but good for Pakistan

    bro , first work to bring peace in hong kong , then capture or start another project in other places , sri lanka is not maldives . they wont drown soon . one must never leave work in progress for so long , hong kong and taiwan are important compared to sri lanka and other third world countries...
  9. rajiv sharma

    What an Indian Recession Could Mean for Bangladesh?

    well * , one can expect , bangladesh to surpass Indian GDP in another decade or so , recession o_O can result in depression :azn: for india , and bangladesh could rise more than 15 % :chilli:every year for atleast a decade . life expectancy too can rise above 84 leaving behind japan , that...
  10. rajiv sharma

    After Pakistan, Nepal also cries foul over new Indian map

    ameen summa ameen :pleasantry:
  11. rajiv sharma

    Pakistani flags hoisted in India’s Jalandhar for opening Kartarpur Corridor

    kindly prove it it is jalandhar . or else it is just propaganda which is futile :azn:
  12. rajiv sharma

    Asian countries agree on world's biggest trade pact, India stays away

    :sarcastic: i guess you think about $hit 24/7 , come on dont spread it here .
  13. rajiv sharma

    RCEP will be signed in 2020 without India. The largest trading bloc is here.

    illiterates partying together and passing comments , they dont know the difference between opting out and barred . pathetic :laughcry:
  14. rajiv sharma

    Asian countries agree on world's biggest trade pact, India stays away

    let us wait and see then . who will eat the dust ultimately :azn:
  15. rajiv sharma

    Bangladesh in IMF Top 20 growth list, predicts growth at 7.8%

    and also credit to the patriotic bangladeshis who are working for the progress of their country and their life's .:tup: bangladesh:tup:
  16. rajiv sharma

    UP headmaster’s suspension over Iqbal poem reflects absurd patriotic tests faced by India’s Muslims

    good morning sir , i totally agree with your POV specially the bold part . btw kindly justify your statement regarding RSS with detailed analysis and material ( also enumerate how many killings ISIS have been responsible for and how many RSS is responsible for :-) ) . thanks and looking...
  17. rajiv sharma

    U.S. suspends cooperation on jet engine technology with India

    was there any sort of cooo00ooperartion with america for jet engine , huh ? lol tamasha dekh fakira .
  18. rajiv sharma

    UP headmaster’s suspension over Iqbal poem reflects absurd patriotic tests faced by India’s Muslims

    i am not here for propaganda , or thumbs ups or positive or negative ratings , they are all futile . what is said is a fact . which is universal truth . bye for now :-)
  19. rajiv sharma

    Make In India - Fighter Jet musings - News, Developments, Updates - F16,F18, Gripen, Any other

    :omghaha::omghaha: . syapa mukya sir , khangress alias indian anti national congress of mohamad das karamchand gandhi always want to import defense equipment because of kickbacks , thankfully godse's bjp is trying to reverse everything as they have started make in in India program and focus...
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