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  1. C

    China Starts Building 30 New Roads in India-Tibet Border Area

    LOL all ur indian shit just inferior export from other countries We have trillions of trade surplus from U dumb indians every year and use towards arming up parkistan, Thats all I care Loser
  2. C

    Recent Sino-Indian border conflict

    Pussies? Not when my grandpa mowed down hundreds indians in 1962 HAHAHA DIE YOU INDIAN SCUMS
  3. C

    The National Interest: Top 5 Navy in the world right now, China #2.

    The 5 Most Powerful Navies Sailing the World's Oceans 1: USA 2: China 3: Russia 4: The United Kingdom 5: Japan United States First place on the list is no surprise: the United States Navy. The U.S. Navy has the most ships by far of any navy worldwide. It also has the greatest diversity of...
  4. C

    Unmanned Tejas: A Key to Affordable Power Projection?

    lets see when ur aircraft is commisioned. Our third EMALS aircraft 002 is already underway, where's india's ahe? on some stupid papers still? Dumb indians, in 10 years we will have 5 carriers task groups sitting in your indian ocean and lock your entire country up. Who said PAKFA is stealthy...
  5. C

    Real secretive reason why China dare not attack India.

    Are you stupid? those are migrants, do they really help with development of either India or China? All they do is helping the white people society to develop not your damn india. Get real and look at the facts in India or China, dont start boasting about unrelated bullshit when you are unable to...
  6. C

    China is one of the safest countries on Earth

    Google crime rate by country and you'll see South Africa #1, India # 5 in Top 5 Countries with the Highest Crime Rates. Bunch of ignorant fucks. Yeah? we dont have to say bad things about CPC, CPC lift our entire country out of poverty, give us superb infrastructure, 5 times GDP per capita than...
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    Chinese Weapon Exports

    Hi, I'm quoting someone else from an earlier thread about C13B corvette, "Don't know about bow sonar, but there is insider saying they do not install torpedoes due to price." Maybe C13B simply does not intend to serve the role of ASW in Bangladesh navy. "The bow sonar and torpedoes on basic type...
  8. C

    China-India Geopolitics: News & Discussions

    Its clear now China's 002 and the ones after will be EMALS carriers with possible nuclear power. This means LiaoNing (CV16) and even 001A will have to go eventually. I do hope Pakistan can receive them and hopefully as a gift haha, friendship forever.
  9. C

    US, India and Japan launch joint naval exercises to keep China in check

    Bro y r we still arguing with a country where 30% population is below poverty rate (1.29 dollar per day lol), and no bathroom and shitty infrastructure? Let them be holla like monkeys because they know the gap between china and india will continue to grow even larger. Super Power by 2020 lol, in...
  10. C

    Type 055 DDG News & Discussions

    Off topic, but did u try the fresh ones from their factory? It is soooo good lol
  11. C

    US, India and Japan launch joint naval exercises to keep China in check

    Bro, there is no point showing them facts and telling them the truth because they will rage and cuss and call you bs. So lets just sit back and watch our navy and airforce multiplying and see those beautiful manmade islands and oversea military bases popping up haha.
  12. C

    US, India and Japan launch joint naval exercises to keep China in check

    LOL I'm an Ethnic Han Chinese born in China and grew up in Canada. y do u think I'm a pakistani muslim, just because i shoved some facts in ur face? Hell I don't even like any stupid religion including Islam. I ain't gonna argue with u anymore because u r too thick-headed. But about ur bleak...
  13. C

    US, India and Japan launch joint naval exercises to keep China in check

    HOLLOW CHEST-THUMPING? Are you living in stone-age? I'll give you some facts about China's buildup speed in your face. In 2016, China Navy INDUCTED one Aegis guided missile destroyer, nine guided missile frigate, 5 tank landing ships, 3 supply oilers and many others combat and logistic ships...
  14. C

    US, India and Japan launch joint naval exercises to keep China in check

    Based on your reply, I can see you are another brainless Indian living in dreams. When China fought with Vietnam was in 1979. And China started making the big industrial leap as we see today from late 90s. So learn yourself some knowledge before you start barking. Look at what we have achieved...
  15. C

    US, India and Japan launch joint naval exercises to keep China in check

    Yeah we have no intent to deal with you right now, because we are in the progress of MASS BUILD UP. AND INDIA IS NOT. and we will deal with you when the balance is completely in our favor.
  16. C

    US, India and Japan launch joint naval exercises to keep China in check

    LOL China has been working on ABM system since March 1986 to be like USA, check out project 863 if u want. So stop chest-thumping with your Agni-IV and Agni-V, they're like kid's toys in front of China's defense.
  17. C

    US, India and Japan launch joint naval exercises to keep China in check

    Capable of defending in your dreams? with your country's snail speed of BUYING weapons, India will be a thing of the past very soon.
  18. C

    US, India and Japan launch joint naval exercises to keep China in check

    Yeah let them live in self-denial forever, it will help them sleep at night.
  19. C

    US, India and Japan launch joint naval exercises to keep China in check

    Do you know how many missiles china are targeting Taiwan? 1500. Think for a minute. Even if we just use those 1500 for India, its more than enough lol. So please, stop ur nonsense
  20. C

    US, India and Japan launch joint naval exercises to keep China in check

    LOL do you Indians even have any test? or you just simply dont have any thing like this in place. If so 2 DF-5C can just demolish your entire chest-thumping civilization. And don't kid me, China have way more than enough missiles to destroy all your 2nd strike capabilities before finishing off...
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