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  1. Toll

    New Introductions

    Salaam 1) Reading, staying fit 2) I work 3) I've been following PDF for a couple of years now 4) Current affairs, Pakistan 5) Currently in retail 6) Join the Royal Navy
  2. Toll

    Pak Army Strikes Back to Indian LOC Video

    Both nations need to be mindful of how this tit for tat stuff can quickly escalate. RIP to the jawans of both countries.
  3. Toll

    Pakistanis and victim narrative

    Pakistan has suffered immensly from terrorism and fought harder than most, and it's a failing in the global narrative that it hasn't recieved the praise and support that it needs and deserves.
  4. Toll

    Trump proposes to convert US grant to Pakistan into loan

    The reality is whilst the US does provide Pakistan with high tech equipment, be it a loan or a grant, in the long run the US will continue to account for a smaller overall percentage of Pakistani defence imports, thanks to Pakistan's diversification and indiginisation drives.
  5. Toll

    FATA reforms delay leading to political acrimony

    Delaying the reforms is a bad move.
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