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  1. prateekindia

    India To Buy 200 Mini Drones For Security, Surveillance In Jammu-Kashmir

    Pakistan detained Hafiz Saeed, the 2008 Mumbai attack mastermind and a US-designated terrorist, after pressure from India, his brother and Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) leader Hafiz Masood has said. Masood also said Saeed's house arrest at his Lahore residence and subsequent ban on the LeT front...
  2. prateekindia

    First Day IMAGES from CARTOSAT -2 Series Satellite

    It's happiness to see India's new flight towards space
  3. prateekindia

    Pak Army moves heavy artillery at border to ‘shock’ Afghanistan

    Pakistani are more dominating to afgan
  4. prateekindia

    Army now allowed to hunt terrorists across the border

    They must be tackled at the international borders
  5. prateekindia

    Work on INDIA's BULLET TRAIN is underway in Full Swing

    It is joint venture of india & Japan afterall
  6. prateekindia

    Bose, Not Gandhi, Ended British Rule In India: Ambedkar

    They are just trying to do same thing since 1962
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