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  1. L

    Dedicated To COAS Qamar Bajwa and CJ Jamali

    My dear friend go an live in India an support Yadev family an clean Modi shoes... as you seem to hate a lot about Pakistan
  2. L

    Constable Slapped Female Anchor Caught on Camera (Full Video)

    I had to watch a few times I am in stiches from laughing so much she got what was coming you can't push an pull an officer an hurl personal abuse and think you will get away with it hahahaha it's too funny
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    New Superpower Triangle

    No claims suggesting Pakistan a Supahpawah just a STRONG ally
  4. L

    China may 'speed up construction of CPEC'

    Mate let Modi make all the moves he wants their all failing the Afghan government will keep milking Indian money an the day India fails to give them $$$ they will switch on you so I'm not impressed by your logic of starving Indian citizens an giving their money to buy afghan government... Wait...
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    Kashmir issue needs to be addressed, world cannot remain indifferent: Chairman NATO's Military Comm

    I'm Glad Indians are finding their sense of humour again after the whole world was laughing at their recent claims
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    Kashmir issue needs to be addressed, world cannot remain indifferent: Chairman NATO's Military Comm

    Pakistan an Pakistanis will never give up on Kahmir,all Indians need to realise this.700k Indian army in IOK have some shame or have you fallen so low that you don't realise it is an occupation.live an let live... The people of IOK don't want anything to do with India Sir G Kal strikes...
  7. L

    Afghan SIMs, Indian medicines recovered in Chitral raids

    With all due respect...we all know what India (BJP) likes to export to Pakistan an what type of hate they have for us so can't be too careful... Since BJP has come into power everything is political from movies to movie stars the list could go on an on...India is sliding down a slippery slope...
  8. L

    Afghan SIMs, Indian medicines recovered in Chitral raids

    If we go by your Sir G Kal strikes claim then your medicines are defiantly fake too
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