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  1. from here

    India vs China: 110 Chinese firms on Global Fortune 500 list, India has only 7

    作为中国人个人并没有感觉到自豪。因为进入500强的多数企业都是国有企业,靠垄断才有这样的成绩。 As a Chinese individual does not feel proud. Because the majority of enterprises to enter the top 500 are state-owned enterprises, relying on monopoly to have such a result.
  2. from here

    Joint patrol along China-Pakistan border

  3. from here

    A Guide to Countering Chinese Government Spin on the Fairness of the SCS Arbitration Tribunal

    不用管它,只是场闹剧!那么关心做什么,过了几天就会过去。 Don't manage it, it's just a farce! So much for what you care about, and after a few days it will pass.
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