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  1. khadija

    User groups and colors

    Okay gentlemen please help me - how do I post any important forward and secondly how do I inform u folk of any derogatory website like the one in Yahoo news on Pakistans power crisis - read some nasty remarks!Thanks and sorry for breaking the thread!
  2. khadija

    Adnan Sami to Marry again (3rd Time)

    Can a man love 2 to 3 women at one go - my hubby also has a brand new young wife and says he wants my boring company as well - a miracle indeed - can not understand men - why do they not stick to one woman good or bad and enjoy horris in Paradise - some men stay alone and others keep marrying -...
  3. khadija

    Pakistani Fashion

    I wish to God these sick prostitutes cum models and their associates pack their bags and leave Pakistan for ever - How dare they defy Allah swts Commands and how ignorant ,proud and stubborn are their supporters - Allah swt is punishing us with earthquakes , civil war, poverty and total break...
  4. khadija

    US Army major kills 12 in shooting rampage

    Enjoyed reading the article by Mr Fundamentalist about Bushes war!May Allah swt destroy and wipe out Pakistan's and Muslim's enemy from the the face of the earth!Ameen
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