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  1. Hafiz Saeed

    An Islamic revival among urban Pakistani women

    "And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and to guard their private parts and not to show their adornments except that of it which normally shows. They shall cover their cleavage with their ‘khimar’. They shall not show their adornments except in the presence of their husbands, their...
  2. Hafiz Saeed

    An Islamic revival among urban Pakistani women

    Its a thread about Muslim and pakistan ... Its part or our faith to cover body(For both men & women) just like you have red dot or tikka on your forehead.......If we dont bother when you wear Sari or mini Skirts so why hate for hijab??? all over the pics you have shown is not our culture & why...
  3. Hafiz Saeed

    An Islamic revival among urban Pakistani women

    hadija : The first to accept Islam,a successful business woman a supporter to the early development of Islam,a philanthropist,I.e the first wife of the prophet(Sallallaahu Alaihi Wassallam). She is Maryam : A virgin that give birth to prophet Isah (Alaihissalaam),she sweeps and clean masjid day...
  4. Hafiz Saeed

    Guys!!! Is Pakistan in trouble regarding CPEC? Iran offers China

    hearing this from ages I don't know when will you fix them meanwhile
  5. Hafiz Saeed

    Guys!!! Is Pakistan in trouble regarding CPEC? Iran offers China

    SIr g nawaz and company are not dictators you elected them.Ab khao tm b Siri paye
  6. Hafiz Saeed

    Rangers And Police Surrounded Jamia Hafsa And Lal Masjid

    WHy don't use GBU's to Fix the whole complex
  7. Hafiz Saeed

    “Why Aren’t You Married Yet?”

    Beware of Mahmood Sahb
  8. Hafiz Saeed

    what will be pakistan's answer to rafale

    And we Pay 2Billion dollars for damn sanction Prone 8 Ayf Sola
  9. Hafiz Saeed

    what will be pakistan's answer to rafale

    Whatbis the estimated Cost of this project..And how much we have to pay for this project .....Any Idea???
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