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  1. Berbarabic DZ

    Russian Air Force. Photos & Videos & Discussion

    A bear can hide things behind him :-)
  2. Berbarabic DZ

    The Algerian Armed Forces.

    Hello friend, I want to ask you why your country is in NATO for many years? Fear of some country? Exit this oragnizzazione please! You have everything to act alone, without the need of this "organization" !!!
  3. Berbarabic DZ

    The Algerian Armed Forces.

    You want to say Khawarij? I do not know if this photo concerns terros or not? For us these criminals have no relation with the religion and it is necessary to fight them!
  4. Berbarabic DZ

    The Algerian Armed Forces.

    what do you mean ?
  5. Berbarabic DZ

    The Algerian Armed Forces.

    Thank's for pics !
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