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  1. S

    Croydon asylum boy assault: Up to 20 people watched attack

    We do have something called freedom of choice wherein we don't decide things on behalf of adults. I have lived in UK sporadically. I travel and live in various countries on work. Things tend to change pretty quickly without sometimes even locals knowing about it. Because for safety, what is...
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    Croydon asylum boy assault: Up to 20 people watched attack

    Well maybe not its fault but surely part of a larger narrative. My niece is joining University in London in September and I am very concerned for her safety. She is of South Asian descent and can be easily mistaken as a Middle Eastern or whatever it is that drunk white trash hate for that day.
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    Scottish parliament backs bid for Second independence referendum

    Brexit will affect various parts of UK differently. If the Scots feel aggrieved, they should walk out of the UK. Not everyone has to be a part of this stupidity.
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    Why does Europe hate Erdogan?

    I have nothing to say about Erdogan as the facts are all out there and people can draw any inference they want. The people who support and oppose him do so fully knowing the reality, so nothing to be said there, really. As for those in the "Europe hates Islam" camp need to take a real hard look...
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    US to return 7 antiquities stolen from India

    Indians should invest some time, effort and money into their museums that are in a deplorable condition. I visited the Indian Museum in Kolkata recently and it is in shambles. Priceless Hindu and Buddhist exhibits are strewn all over the corridor and many of them are severely damaged. There is...
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    BJP Govt Screws Monsanto

    No wonder India is one of the most sued nations under Bilateral Investment Treaties. When governments allow FDI, they give their word to the Corporation. It seems the Indian government's word does not amount to much.
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    Researchers make artificial cells that can replicate themselves.

    I can understand. If you open more such threads then I will definitely read and respond. You have my word!
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    Researchers make artificial cells that can replicate themselves.

    Thanks a lot for the welcome dear. Actually I am more interested in the practical aspects of transhumanism. In that, I draw a distinction between transhumanism and the cult of Singularity. Yes, I think the concept of Singularity has become something of a cult. Too many people seem to be...
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    Researchers make artificial cells that can replicate themselves.

    Excellent thread by the way. Tough to find these on PDF. I usually go to TED to get my fill!
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    My husband, Owais Raheel, is NOT a terrorist

    Unfortunately, it's not that simple anymore. Post - 9/11, counter-terrorism and internal investigation agencies in many countries have been given a complete mandate to do whatever they think necessary to stop terror attacks. In many cases, it can meant illegal and wrongful detention. There is...
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    Researchers make artificial cells that can replicate themselves.

    Not really. Just have an active interest in science and tech. That's all. My special areas of interest are transhumanism, AI, and emerging developments in genetics, nanotechnology and robotics.
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    Researchers make artificial cells that can replicate themselves.

    Sorry for the earlier reply. This has new applications in regenerative research - most importantly in growing organs. Organ rejection is a particularly serious problem in transplants. Artificially grown cells with replicated characteristics might just be the answer. Another possible application...
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    Bill Gates lauds Pakistan's efforts to eradicate polio

    More than time or money, it requires patience. Try dealing with bureaucrats - its a great character-building exercise! But on a serious note, I think the gap between those who are empowered and the others is growing, and so we all need to pitch in howsoever we can. Giving money is a good start...
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    Bill Gates lauds Pakistan's efforts to eradicate polio

    No need to apologize - how would you know? Believe me it is such a challenge that we need all the help we can get. Bill Gates and even his grand mom are welcome to help. I will not comment on the religion aspect because I am Atheist, and have had spirited conversations with Pakistanis on the...
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    Bill Gates lauds Pakistan's efforts to eradicate polio

    I have worked on NGO projects in both Pakistan as well as India. So you don't have to treat me like a tourist and hand me a brochure, really. Improvement in basic healthcare and education remains a problem in both countries, further compounded by conspiracy theories about vested interest. I was...
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    Bill Gates lauds Pakistan's efforts to eradicate polio

    I think that has to do with greater access to better-quality education. Lack of education/awareness has been the biggest stumbling block in empowering people over heath/reproductive issues. Quality education is the missing link in the chain where access to family planning leads to lower birth...
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    Bill Gates lauds Pakistan's efforts to eradicate polio

    Look, you may have a point about the shared experience of the developing world where many interventions are made with a hidden agenda. But I think it is wiser to assess each instance on merits instead of automatically assuming ill-intent and vested interest. Some people disagree with Bill Gates'...
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    Bill Gates lauds Pakistan's efforts to eradicate polio

    I don't see how exactly the de-population agenda works. Evidence suggests that increased access to healthcare in developing countries increases population, and not vice-versa. Also, a few less people born in the developing world is not such a bad idea. Is Pakistan suffering from a shortage of...
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    Supercomputers to be installed at 73 locations across country

    There is a big problem with India's digital network. India is developing its digital network in bits-and-pieces; an approach that is severely outdated and will cost the country dearly. Instead of developing a common data exchange platform, which in turn will become the base for a national...
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