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  1. Salman Awan

    India will not play cricket with Pak if it harbours Dawood,continues dialogue with Hurriyat:BCCI

    Ran out of better excuses. Why bring Dawood Ibrahim into this? None of our players are related to him in anyway. Just shows how narrow-minded one can really be.
  2. Salman Awan

    Yasir Shah voted 'Best Spinner' in Tests: poll

    This guy's got loads of potential, lets hope he stays consistent with his performances. He can definitely become one of the many greats.
  3. Salman Awan

    Packing a punch

    Just found out about this guy and I have to say WOW! Despite facing so many hardships he achieved so much. People like him prove that one can achieve anything when they put their mind to it.
  4. Salman Awan

    Amir Khan visits Lyari in search of boxing champions

    It's sad to see that some youngsters from Lyari who have bags of potential end up being in gangs just because they aren't guided properly or given the right training when it comes to boxing. A very good step by Amir Khan.
  5. Salman Awan

    Smart phones | Selection advice, New releases, Concepts

    No doubt iOs is snappy and user-friendly which makes it a pretty solid os. But Android has its own perks such as customization, you can't call one better than the other. It's just about personal preference :)
  6. Salman Awan

    Windows 10 Review : The Emotion, The Enthusiasm, And The Energy

    How's W10 when it comes to gaming? Currently I'm using Windows 7 and I'm thinking about updating.
  7. Salman Awan

    Amir Khan aims to establish boxing academy in Islamabad

    Makes him one of the only few Pakistani athletes from outside of Pakistan who haven't forgotten their roots. Bashir Ahmed also did something similar for Pakistan's MMA scene, wish Zesh Rehman did the same for Pakistani football. Anyways, kudos to Amir Khan.
  8. Salman Awan

    Pakistani troops to participate in Chinese National Day Parade

    Sublime news, this will only strengthen the ties between two great nations.
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