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  1. Stealth | Hawk

    72 separatist movements active in 17 Indian States & occupied Jammu & Kashmir

    Khalistan ain't dead.What are Sikhs doing in 2020 referendum for? If majority vote for separation then they will start taking lives :coffee: And the people that died in Pakistan died from terrorism and not any seperatist movement.Please don't open your holes if you don't have any information.
  2. Stealth | Hawk

    What can India Do About Pakistan?

    Indians have been shitting about Pakistan for 68 years but their butt holes are really scratching since the CPEC deal.Indian funded terrorism in Pakistan is coming to an end.Baloch militants are throwing their weapons.TTP is breathing its last.RAW agents are being tortured.India can't do shit...
  3. Stealth | Hawk

    Breaking News : RAW agent arrested

    Finally someone from across the border to torture.Pakistan must send his nails hands feet and at last head to India.Just saying :chilli:
  4. Stealth | Hawk

    Balochs with Pakistan forever

    Of course you are talking about Nawaz Sahreef who else? :sarcastic::sarcastic: On Topic: On what basis we are even thinking that Balochistan is even concerned about separation.Balochs are the most Patriotic people I have seen.Just due to some foreign funded idiots it is impossible to justify...
  5. Stealth | Hawk

    India planned secret op to kill Dawood Ibrahim, dismantle D-company: RK Singh

    I have seen this "Dawood is in Pakistan" news on Indian channels in 2002,2005,2008,2012 and now in 2015.In 2008 they even played a "Call by Dawood to Chotta Shakeel" saying he was in karachi and telling him his FULL address.I mean why are Indian channels so dumb.If you want to make a fake call...
  6. Stealth | Hawk

    China's Finally Paying For Its Lies

    Chinese economy is growing on a record from last 5 years and US economy was crumbling if I remember correctly when the US government was shut down.US ain't "The Boss" anymore.Where is that "Peace" through "Superior Firepower".Last time I saw US was negotiating with Iran on Nuclear deal.Thats not...
  7. Stealth | Hawk

    SWITZERLAND VS PAKISTAN - 17 Pictures that Show that PAKISTAN is Just as Beautiful As SWITZERLAND

    Hindustani should stay in Aukaat specially on PDF.Go talk shit about Pakistan on Indian defence forums and they will even make you admin.Joined yesterday with sole objective of talking shit against Pakistan and Pakistanis.
  8. Stealth | Hawk

    India planned secret op to kill Dawood Ibrahim, dismantle D-company: RK Singh

    Hahahahaha Indians wet dreaming they can do a OBL like operation in Pakistan.OBL operation was pre planned with authorities in Pakistan.Zara ao to sahi Pakistan khushbo laga kay :sarcastic::sarcastic:
  9. Stealth | Hawk

    Pakistan Retaliates : Indian BSF Abandoned two posts at LoC

    So was that "Kabootar Post" was created to stop ISI spy pigeons from entering India? They should also name a post "Camel Post" as they also caught a camel spy many years ago.I love the how the Indian media reports such cases: "Aye hum aapko batatay hai kay virodhi desh say aye ISI kay specially...
  10. Stealth | Hawk

    Dawood Has Nine Residences in Pakistan; 1 Near Bilawal Bhutto's Home

    Yes exactly Dawood has 9 residences only in karachi.He also has a full fledged security room in PM house.He can also visit Army HQ and ISI head quarters when ever necessary.The most deadly Intelligence agency in the world the only name of which is enough for CIA Mossad and KGB is enough to shit...
  11. Stealth | Hawk

    Civil-military leadership rejects New Delhi stance

    Nawaz Sharif didn't discussed Kashmir Issue at Ufa for which he was badly criticized here in Pakistan so he wouldn't make the same mistake again.If talks at Ufa were only for "Terror" related subjects then why Samjhota Express was not discussed.Pakistan will not compromise this time
  12. Stealth | Hawk

    How not to hold India-Pakistan talks

    Indian members are debating on this thread brilliantly so lets hope that a troll doesn't jumps up and we stay on point.How come Mumbai attacks were discussed in Ufa but not Samjhota Express Or Kashmir issue.Nawaz Sharif did a big mistake to attend those talks and not take up the Kashmir issue...
  13. Stealth | Hawk

    Dawood Ibrahim has nine residences in Pakistan, 1 near Bilawal Bhutto's home

    That doesn't answer my questions at all.What "concrete" proof do you have with "address and all".Typical acting like toilet-less slum creatures.Answer any ONE of my questions.I am sure you can't so don't talk then.Idiotism at its best.
  14. Stealth | Hawk

    Instant reality of Karachi( No decline in street crime despite operation: )Karachi police chief

    So you think the Rangers that are doing an operation in Karachi are actually for Border Patrolling? I feel pity for you.I really do :hitwall:
  15. Stealth | Hawk

    Dawood Ibrahim has nine residences in Pakistan, 1 near Bilawal Bhutto's home

    This is pure propaganda.If so called RAW agents are so close to him to as take pictures of him and his bills etc then what are they waiting for.Why don't they kill him already?
  16. Stealth | Hawk

    Dawood Ibrahim has nine residences in Pakistan, 1 near Bilawal Bhutto's home

    You did not answered any of my questions.I dont care what was found in his hard drive or what not.Can you answer even one of the question I asked.No right.So please keep your holes shut.
  17. Stealth | Hawk

    Dawood Ibrahim has nine residences in Pakistan, 1 near Bilawal Bhutto's home

    We should make a deal.Give us Modi terrorist and take your Dawood Terrorist :sarcastic: At least you agreed India doesn't have balls to do an OBL like operation in Pakistan.And let me ask you these questions: Why no photographs of OBL were taken when he was shot dead? Why no blood samples or...
  18. Stealth | Hawk

    MQM decides not to negotiate resignations with govt

    From your profile you seems to only have come to this world to be against and talk against Imran Khan and PTI.I mean we all have differences with different political leaders but your Signature and almost each post of yours show "Hate".Is this purpose in life? Grow up.I am not talking here as a...
  19. Stealth | Hawk

    China, Russia And Pakistan: The World’s New Superpower Axis

    Explain me how is it irrelevant? Recently India has pissed off Russia by going for the Rafale deal and Obama visit to India and Pakistan just purchased 4 MI 35 Helis from Russia and this Gas Pipeline plan now.Actually Pakistan is the MOST important in this Axis due to CPEC.China and Russia can...
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