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    Three attacks in Lahore - Attackers killed, Hostages Rescued, Operation Successful!

    I don't understand what is going on here. A spate of attacks in just a few days and no excessive reaction by those in control? If this was any other nation in the world there would be a full curtailing of activities on a grand scale. Why is a state of emergency not being commenced?
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    List of Pakistan heads of state 1947 until now?

    Dear Niaz I'm afraid I didn't make my original post clear enough. My intention was to list the names of the person who's in charg...i.e. the point man, regardless of formal title. In other words, we know Muhammad Rafiq Tarar held the presidency until June 2001, but who would claim that...
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    List of Pakistan heads of state 1947 until now?

    I'm trying to establish a continuous list of our de facto heads of state from inception until present. There's been such a carousel its seems and I've had trouble deciphering who's actually been in charge. So far I've pinned it down to the following, listed by years at the helm. I've...
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    Why has democray been sidelined so often in Pakistan?

    The last post by Niaz was greatly informative in the economic insight of history. Very well put. I recently finished reading my first book on our country's history, although a brief version at that, and was left distressed at the muddled record of our leaders. However, let us not forget the...
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