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  1. T

    Akbar's fort symbol of subjugation of Hindus,want the imposing structure to be replaced : VHP

    Tamils are only Hindus to never bow to Muslims. Let us lead the Indians but first you must start funding the LTTE again.
  2. T

    Sri Lankans express solidarity with Kashmiris

    Little boy, what religion do you think Lankan Tamils are? Why do Sinhalese worship Hindu deities? Don't make this about religion my uneducated friend. @A1Kaid Makes a religiously inflammatory post and then gives me a negative rating for calling him out LOL
  3. T

    Origins of SL war

    Manlion can't even speak Tamil and regularly insults Hindus. He is no Tamil LOL
  4. T

    Sri Lanka Backs Big China Port Deal

    Another reason why Indians should start funding us Lankan Tamils again. ;) Stop showing your hate for Tamils you racist Pakistani! You merely support Sinhalese because of your hate for Hindus. Inferiority complex is showing.
  5. T

    Origins of SL war

    LOL at this BS propaganda. Tamils are a superior race. Yes, and also physically superior. All sports teams in Sri Lanka are dominated by Tamils. Historically we Tamils have conquered the Sinhalese and subjugated them. The Tamil Genocide was just there inferiority complex and jealousy showing.
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