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    Xi, Putin back India on UN terror charter against Pak

    I know Chinese hate us Indians but I have respect for China. Our most holy site, Mount Kailash is in China. They will always pick Pakistan over us but I am glad they will let us take pilgrimage to Mt Kailash.
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    Monkey's Invade Indian (Chennai) Airport

    @waz @Jango please perform ip check on @Cortana and @Bomber He is pakistani member @Bomber
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    Monkey's Invade Indian (Chennai) Airport

    @Cortana and @Bomber are same
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    Monkey's Invade Indian (Chennai) Airport

    Oyy beteh, i am non voter.
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    Monkey's Invade Indian (Chennai) Airport

    Lucky? Do you have rape fantasies from BBW women?
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    Monkey's Invade Indian (Chennai) Airport

    No it's Raghead. Towel head is used for Arabs/Muslims.
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    Monkey's Invade Indian (Chennai) Airport

    Sir, I just had lamb meatball so I don't need to eat cow. Also you don't seem very secular to me.
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    Monkey's Invade Indian (Chennai) Airport

    Raghead is offensive term to Sikhs in the West sir.
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    Monkey's Invade Indian (Chennai) Airport

    But you guys made fun of Hanuman and used to term dothead?
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    Monkey's Invade Indian (Chennai) Airport

    You implied that you wanted a reason and I gave it. Lol he is talking as if he is still living in Lucknow while flying Pakistani flags.
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    Monkey's Invade Indian (Chennai) Airport

    Look at his past comments, he want UP to join Pakistan.
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    Ahmadis in India urge Modi to grant citizenship to Pakistani wives

    Have you still not gotten over the bashing we Jats gave you in Muzzafarnagar? ;)
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