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  1. K

    Minority loving Modi Govt wants to abolish Christmas Holidays!!

    All praise for Gulf returns,If you keep your nationality above,then you would have never made such cheap disgusting posts.You are free to question missionaries,Xian terrorism,Joshua projects,but calling them as traitors,bad mouthing their history,questioning their patriotism proves you are no...
  2. K

    Minority loving Modi Govt wants to abolish Christmas Holidays!!

    Sorry,I am not a Keralite nor keeps religion above my state like you.Seems you have high respect and affection towards your own Christian folks in Kerala.No surprise,Kerala is still under developed with castiest blinds. You are free to blabber whatever.But X'mas will remain as national festival...
  3. K

    Kerala Corner

    The only thriving industry in Kerala is Ayurvedic tourism.But in the recent times it has been facing severe blow from the neighboring Sri Lanka.Thanks to their more economical packages and highly efficient tourism promotion department.A large part of of tourists are now turning to Sri Lanka and...
  4. K

    Minority loving Modi Govt wants to abolish Christmas Holidays!!

    Are you a 'National festival issuing' committee member by any chance?.Sir,Is there any relation between 2000 years and festivals to be declared as National ?
  5. K

    Kerala Corner

    yup There were many workers from Tamilnad one decade ago,you could hardly see one today in Kerala. You have no idea to make good roads or run a state bus corporation,Tomorrow or Day after it is going to be closed permanently.You have lost all the water,dam disputes to Tamilnad miserably.Kerala...
  6. K

    Minority loving Modi Govt wants to abolish Christmas Holidays!!

    Poor logic,Christian may be 2% overall,but have sizeable population in Kerala,Tamilnadu,Andra,Goa and are majority in 2-3 states of NE.India is a country of diversity.
  7. K

    Vishwa Hindu Parishad leaders want whole world converted to Hinduism

    It couldn't be any different,because they all are educated(brainwashed) from the same 'University of Religious Blinds'.
  8. K

    Minority loving Modi Govt wants to abolish Christmas Holidays!!

    Sorry,We are living in a secular democratic state.They have already clarified that this was a misreporting from the media side,but still you are continuing with your agenda.Your language is no different from that of a typical sanghi or a jihadist.
  9. K

    Kerala Corner

    kachaku mandukk chappu suppu. This is exactly what other state peoples think about your peoples.You don't know anything apart from caste,religion BSHIT,strikes,kissing.No jobs,No industries.Nothing,No surprise you even depend on your neighboring states for daily rice, milk and are wandering...
  10. K

    BJP Lawmaker Sakshi Maharaj Calls Gandhi Assassin Nathuram Godse A 'Patriot', Then Retracts

    So It was only Christians in the universe who are badmouthing other religions?..google and watch the highly patriotic hate speech videos of Praveen thogadia or watch the very highly patriotic demolition videos of babri masjid.
  11. K

    BJP Lawmaker Sakshi Maharaj Calls Gandhi Assassin Nathuram Godse A 'Patriot', Then Retracts

    But you were also extremely happy with your money giving' Ghar wapas' dramas and getting agitated over missionary conversion..Even in your posts are full of anti Christian elements,calling your own Indian Christians as traitors,that too in a Pakistani forum is a highly appreciative marvelous...
  12. K

    Ram temple should be built at site of Babri Masjid: UP Governor Ram Naik

    Over confidence is natural.But What irritates me is the arrogance of some sanghis..BJP has won only because of the largely charismatic effect of one man 'Modi 'and his pro development ideologies.But the sanghis are thinking that it was only because of their saffron dhothis.
  13. K

    BJP Lawmaker Sakshi Maharaj Calls Gandhi Assassin Nathuram Godse A 'Patriot', Then Retracts

    What about 'United liberation front of Asom(ULFA).Another church contribution?
  14. K

    BJP Lawmaker Sakshi Maharaj Calls Gandhi Assassin Nathuram Godse A 'Patriot', Then Retracts

    There are many organizations in that list,directly or indirectly related to Hindus..Separatist groups like National democratic front of Bodoland.Don't you aware that cadres are largely from Hindu community?
  15. K

    BJP Lawmaker Sakshi Maharaj Calls Gandhi Assassin Nathuram Godse A 'Patriot', Then Retracts

    Same for all others.No wonder,Kerala is still a shit hole for industries,developments and are wandering throughout India and outside for a living.You are much more bothering about someones past history than some useful stuffs..Kerala wants more and more peoples like you.
  16. K

    BJP Lawmaker Sakshi Maharaj Calls Gandhi Assassin Nathuram Godse A 'Patriot', Then Retracts

    leave it.What about the recent conversion money dramas by the sanghi groups,5 lakh for Muslims,2 lakhs for Christians?
  17. K

    BJP Lawmaker Sakshi Maharaj Calls Gandhi Assassin Nathuram Godse A 'Patriot', Then Retracts

    That is a blunder actually..Portuguese were against the nestorian Syrian Christians /Jewsof Kerala,They destroyed many churches of Kerala including many ancient books of Kerala Christians at that time(brush up your history).. Nice attempt from a 'jumping sanghi' like you,anyway.
  18. K

    BJP Lawmaker Sakshi Maharaj Calls Gandhi Assassin Nathuram Godse A 'Patriot', Then Retracts

    If you include babri,Gujarat/Mumbai riots as patriotic acts,okey then. Rare for your eyes.VHP,Dal,Ram/Hanuman/Siva senas,,so many are there.. LTTE cadres were largely Hindus with sizeable Christians.
  19. K

    BJP Lawmaker Sakshi Maharaj Calls Gandhi Assassin Nathuram Godse A 'Patriot', Then Retracts

    That was meant for Indrani.He is generalizing whole Indian Muslims and Christians as traitors.
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