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  1. Whirling_dervesh

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Slag….attention whoring…..
  2. Whirling_dervesh

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    No one believes you..you can post pages of drivel all you like. Your hasbara lies have been exposed over and over and over again. Thanks to social media this has been an absolute car crash of a PR campaign which has shattered zionist propaganda. The old days of print media and zionist...
  3. Whirling_dervesh

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    I dont spend enough time here to know that, but i though that was rich coming from a national of a country that has made an industry of whining about genocide done on them
  4. Whirling_dervesh

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Isnt this against the rules to advocate a genocide? Mods @waz This sorry excuse of a human being is celebrating this? Hasnt he come off a ban, are their any rules on this forum or a free for all?
  5. Whirling_dervesh

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    The jewish commentators are disgusting…i pray that pain falls on them
  6. Whirling_dervesh

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    I know what you mean. But i dont think you understand Hamas. Everyone to a person has seen their family, children, mother fathers, grandfathers brutalised for a century. Most have seen murder of their families in front of their eyes. I ask you if you are a parent or a child of parents and you...
  7. Whirling_dervesh

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    some people who have life sentences prefer death than a life of incarceration and daily humiliation
  8. Whirling_dervesh

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Desperation….my cellar is more of a command control centre 😂😂😂😂
  9. Whirling_dervesh

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Your making yourself more stupid than we give you credit for. Do you want some spades and cement to help you build the command control centre while you there??!!
  10. Whirling_dervesh

    ICC Men's Cricket World Cup

    What a great day…..poor india….
  11. Whirling_dervesh

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Well maybe you shouldnt be there then have you considered fvcking off back to europe. In 1890s you were 3% its not your land. U stole it. You are occupiers and by international occupied ppl arr allowed to resist. Lets put it this way iff you werent there u would all be liquidated in europe as...
  12. Whirling_dervesh

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Israel is responsible for their deaths. Plain and simple. Occupied land
  13. Whirling_dervesh

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Pakistanis are a godforsaken people. This is the same ambassador of USA who threatened to ruin pakistan if they didnt remove Imran Khan. Why dont the people come on to the streets. Seems like the people embrace servitude and subjugation. Dead nation.
  14. Whirling_dervesh

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Cause they are threatening to level the whole of lebanon as reprisal. Forcing the lebanese to go head on against hezbollah and civil war
  15. Whirling_dervesh

    TikTok is 'the biggest antisemitic movement since the Nazis,' says Sacha Baron Cohen

    anything that remotely goes against the zionist agenda and narrative is labelled anti-semitic. Its a massive smokescreen that will inevitably lead to censorship and denial to the masses of information that normally is controlled through conventional print and television outlets. Losing control...
  16. Whirling_dervesh

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Dont count your chickens before they have hatched, shifa is on the edge of gaza…and pretty easy to enter…. Wait till they commit to the meat grinder, shelling and bombing from distance will achieve nothing when most of the fighters are underground
  17. Whirling_dervesh

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Such as the new nakba….correct Jews were slaughtered for 4000 years…..correct Arabs are traitors and betrayed palestinians….correct Allahs favour was on bannu israel…correct….and so will his wrath What are you trying to prove? Your just building up yourself for another holocaust with your...
  18. Whirling_dervesh

    China Is Helping Modernize the Pakistan Navy. What Does That Mean for India?

    Not every thread, only when i get a Doraa (bout) :) …whiskeys face triggers me. I spent my whole life defending these crooks. My family going back generations gave ultimate scarifice in armed forces both paternal and maternal side, my father (deceased) was a major and at independence saved...
  19. Whirling_dervesh

    China Is Helping Modernize the Pakistan Navy. What Does That Mean for India?

    In the hands of crooked generals these toys are useless. Pakistan armed forces need reforms. Stop the fuckaboutery in politics. Do your job what you gave an oath for, treasonous snakes. Enough is enough
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