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  1. The Greate Persia


    first persians are not black! they are Brunette and that is because of weather of iran! do some reserach you see skin and eye color is not always about the race! second we dont have problem with our skin and we dont want to fell like europeans as i see the turks want to fell europeans! how you...
  2. The Greate Persia

    Iranian Chill Thread

    :d nice navy
  3. The Greate Persia

    Iran Militry Force Vs Saudi Arabia

    persia air force cant do anything in a real war! thats why i made that post and i put the pictures and models into it! i also wanted to post arabia air force but i think the arabs should do this they have much more info than me! but the navy force of iran is in a better shape than saudi arabia...
  4. The Greate Persia

    Iran Militry Force Vs Saudi Arabia

    about tomcats maybe but about fulcrum's are you sure?its hard to beliave there are only less than 20 of them!
  5. The Greate Persia

    Iran Militry Force Vs Saudi Arabia

    looks like you have more info can you tell me about the number of tomcats?
  6. The Greate Persia

    Iran Militry Force Vs Saudi Arabia

    yes i know! a bad mistake of typing! but the greate has meaning you know! but i wanted to type great i dont know why i add a e to end of it
  7. The Greate Persia

    Iran Militry Force Vs Saudi Arabia

    iran air force F-14 TomCat (Fighter) well i think all of you are familer with this aircraft! this aircraft is pretty old about 40 years ! Mig-29 (Fighter) There are 2 diffrent models of this aircraft mig-29A mig-29Ub also there might be smt model too! Mirage F1(Fighter) i dont have...
  8. The Greate Persia

    Iran Militry Force Vs Saudi Arabia

    greetings in this topic we going to disscuse about iran militry and saudi arabia militry and see what will happen if there be a war! ok so plz do not insult each other in this topic we are just going to discuss to see which country has more militry power! the topic is going to start with...
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