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  1. M

    Tunisia Lifts Ban on Muslim Women Marrying non-Muslims

    Members arguing that Islamic or Sharia nation can be successfully economically do not know economical success rely on productivity not faith. Even oil worth less than productivity, for instance, China import more semiconductor compare to oil, contrary of popular believe. American dollar is...
  2. M

    Turkey, the next syria/iraq/Libya in ME?

    Look, the principal of democracy made rebellion legal. If you do not like a government, you can replace it with vote from the PEOPLE. As far as now, Turkey is still a democracy, worst case scenario would be the case of Ukraine or Egypt. Turkey will not be next Syria or Iraq for that reason...
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    Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

    Chemical weapon is a curse, not a gift to humanity. As you speak, you do know Iran is a victim of Saddam's Chemical attack. Furthermore, unlike nuclear weapon, chemical weapon never deter war among nations.
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    Iraq's war against IS terrorism | Updates and Discussions

    Iraqi army looks hardly like the one fought in the bloody Iraqi-Iran war that ends with hundreds of thousand casualties on both side. Iraqi morale was never totally crushed as proven by ability to lauch deadly offensive even after suffer thousands of casualties. Now it seems like something less...
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    Arab Nations Offer to Conduct Airstrikes Against ISIS, U.S. Officials Say

    But can they rule Ottoman themselves?
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    Iraqi's Abrams loses to Grenades

    Can't believe this is the same country that fought Iraq-Iran war that even hundred of thousands casualties didn't destroy their morale completely(as shown by ability to launch number of offensive after suffering heavy casualties. It took thousands of casualties to rout the the same iraqis army...
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    Arab Nations Offer to Conduct Airstrikes Against ISIS, U.S. Officials Say

    I do know that Janissary have calloborate with others to against Sultan many time, however, they can never rule the nation themselves. Sultan trust them just like Chinese Emperor trust Eunuch in their court. Both Eunuch and Jannissary can be not loyal. However, non of them can directly rule the...
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    Arab Nations Offer to Conduct Airstrikes Against ISIS, U.S. Officials Say

    What I means is the Sultan of Ottoman think that a Christian guards would not be able rule the country by overthrown him, just as other middle east ruler think of western power.
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    Arab Nations Offer to Conduct Airstrikes Against ISIS, U.S. Officials Say

    It makes perfect sense. Just as Ottoman use Janissary as their core guards, Christian can not rule a majority Islamic nation. Western government have no intention to directly to rule middle east. However, country fear intervention of another Muslim country because they fear their rule of land...
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