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  1. R

    India Vs. Australia WC 2015

    Even though Pakistan lost the match, they have won the hearts of true cricket fans
  2. R

    China slams Turkey for offer to shelter Uighurs from Chinese state terror

    Forget geopolitical stance , the chinese don't even spare the animals who don't belong to their land. search 'chinese-navy-goes-to-tanzania-murders-elephants' in google Chinese becoming Hitler 2.0 of Asia
  3. R

    Sri Lanka snubs India, opens port to Chinese submarine again

    Don't you want to include road accidents , Ebola , cardiac arrests etc to your war crime list . I am very much able to understand that lives get lost in the war ( bombing etc) but what I am questioning is the genocide side of the SL tamil war .just like what fascist hitler did to the Jews ...
  4. R

    Sri Lanka snubs India, opens port to Chinese submarine again

    See a sample Morality is a forgotten factor in this world . Especially among the 'insecurity' nations (aka) the 'guardians' of the planet Let me ask a question to the chinese folks here Has china ever opened the SL's war crimes to SL let alone opposing it ? Or is such acts acceptable in...
  5. R

    Sri Lanka snubs India, opens port to Chinese submarine again

    Well !! might is always right ...If US of A would have 'warned' SL on chinese sub docking , then things might have been different. As always the greater 'balance' game is continuously played by the members of 'insecurtiy' council using their power and money at the cost of others.
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