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  1. P

    Future of Muslim World

    You are now implying and suggesting that because people responded in a certain way to a scientific claim, they are unlikely to improve their economic condition in 20 years' time. Seriously, is this the best you could do? The mixed responses of people to the "Water Kit" have about as much...
  2. P

    Future of Muslim World

    Actually, he did nothing of the sort - all FaujHistorian managed to do was to demonstrate his ignorance of the matter. Furthermore, despite XTREME's explanations, it is clear from post #39 that he still doesn't get it. This discussion has absolutely nothing to do with the "Water Kit", and...
  3. P

    The bitter knowledge of Abdelbaset Al-Megrahi

    For those who believe that there is justice in man-made legal systems.... source: The bitter knowledge of Abdelbaset Al-Megrahi | ArabNews Neil Berry Thursday 19 July 2012 Published by the plucky Scottish press Birlinn, John Ashton’s new book Megrahi: You Are My Jury: The...
  4. P

    Lashkar plans 'big strikes' in Kashmir, rest of India: Abu Jundal

    Non-muslims have also hijiacked the narrative on Islam to serve their own purposes. Please don't believe everything you read in the press about Islam and its practitioners. Find out for yourself - you may be pleasantly surprised, as this agnostic Jewish lady was...
  5. P

    Lashkar plans 'big strikes' in Kashmir, rest of India: Abu Jundal

    Read my post again. My question was about the authentic Islamic opinion on this issue, not about what has been taught to young fighters. There is plenty of evidence in print and online media about who is funding, orchestrating, training such fighters, but that is a topic for another debate. So...
  6. P

    Lashkar plans 'big strikes' in Kashmir, rest of India: Abu Jundal

    Tell me one place in the Qur'an or Hadith which would back up the insinuations in your comment. The following may help you out: Online Qur'an: quranexplorer [***] com/Quran/Default.aspx Online Hadith: hadithcollection [***] com
  7. P

    Zaid Hamid onIshq e Rasool of Dr. Allama M. Iqbal

    ZH has been instrumental in the last five years in reviving Iqbal's name amongst the youth of Pakistan. He did this through his TV series as well as roadshows in Pakistan's universities. Since you feel that these actions on the part of ZH are a "misuse" and a "great dis-service" to Iqbal's...
  8. P

    Iran, Turkey, Pakistan to bolster railway cooperation

    Visa-free travel for citizens of all three countries (plus the railway of course) would make this a reality in no time!
  9. P

    Nuclear assets-an evil or boon

    Are you prepared too, Mac2, to think calmly, keeping your nationalist feelings aside, and to be neutral when it comes to your own country's nuke arsenal? Some background: 1. The Dawn newspaper is one of those known to have paid journalists working to promote foreign agendas. 2. Pakistan...
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