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  1. princealpha

    What a stupid B%^SARD

    The reporting channel needs to know the difference between the duties of army and police... fools!
  2. princealpha

    Listen Carefully and Post ur comments!

    All US wants is to keep the Afghanistan's Taliban to a controllable level, which Pakistan is not allowing, means how can Pakistan leave snake within its cuff! As a result US try its level best to keep Islamabad busy military wise and politically... So the game is continue... Right now...
  3. princealpha

    Pakistan Armed Forces | Snipers, Designated Marksmen, Sharp Shooters.

    Pakistan Army does have a specialized sniper school. Its in Quetta and is run under the auspices of the School of Infantry and Tactics, Pakistan Army. The course requires trainees to have been in the Army for at least 2 years or so and is about a month long.
  4. princealpha

    What is this ? something fishy inside Pakistan

    Going to Afghanistan, I ve seen a lot of them standing at NATO supply depot at peshawar... May be you still find them at the Ring road NATO supply terminal Peshawar....
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