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  1. Shahid Haroon

    Pakistan Taliban warn foreign firms to leave country amid offensive

    Bt this statement they want to split us in panjabi, sindhi and pathan but this time they will not succeed. Whole nation is against ttp. انشا الله our army will teach them a good lesson. We are with our army! May Allah help our army!
  2. Shahid Haroon

    Afg General Abdul Raziq spewing venom against Pakistan

    All afghan should leave the Pakistan. Govt should send them to their country.
  3. Shahid Haroon

    we wont let city turned into ruins, PPP should revive Local government: MQM

    PPP and MQM they are same no difference. Both of them are responsible for destruction of Karachi.
  4. Shahid Haroon

    we wont let city turned into ruins, PPP should revive Local government: MQM

    The city is already destroyed. I don't no what they want to save. We have to rebuild the city!
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