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    Mexico is not a failed state, but it is losing control of its territory?

    yes it's true we are gaining territory
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    Mexico is not a failed state, but it is losing control of its territory?

    "It is well that war is so terrible, but we shall grow too fond of it." -General Robert Edward Lee Fredricks burg, Virginia, 1862. This is a nation at war with itself. Killings in Mexico, the innocent bystander will ultimately be the loser. Mexico is Fighting two wars. The first war is the...
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    Pakistan Need A Doctrine of Warfare Against Insurgency and Terrorism.

    “Terrorism has economic, social and political dimensions as well as its security dimension. Terrorism can only be eliminated with a fight comprising all those dimensions.” “An army cannot vanquish terror” and that “only a political process can bring about a cessation of terror.” it was axiomatic...
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    Military and arms build up in persian Gulf Part II

    Military and arms build up in persian Gulf Part II. Military and arms build up in Persian Gulf Part II. Arms spending are an incomplete but very concrete way of tracking a state’s real assessment of threats and priorities. It’s becoming clear that Gulf states, including Saudi...
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    Kaali gee ,just see what amercian is saying and i 'm tellin you ,Hedrick, who is a military advisor to the Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia at the US State Department, saying that India’s interests have changed over the past decade or more towards attaining the...
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    India FROM NONALIGNMENT TO POLY-ALIGNMENT. Turns from Russian to western arms Procuments policy. India an important departure from the past where India was more inclined to assert “nonalignment” in international relations and avoid entanglements. Instead of avoiding alignments all together...
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    Indian Ocean Great Power Confrontation, Geo-Politics & Sri Lanka

    The balkanization of Sri Lanka by Periphery and role of SCO? what is differnce between that article and that one? i do not know which is important matter to discuss?
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    Arms and Military build up in Persian GULF

    i think we must start discussion on this most important matter ,bcoz 5 GCC countries has pakistani people in their armed forces,if any confortation out come will be great diasture for region and for pakistan too.
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    Arms and Military build up in Persian GULF

    The fastest growth in defense spending these days, and for the foreseeable future, is in the Persian Gulf. That's because of tensions between the Arab states there, and Iran. And then there's all that oil wealth. Angry people with lots of money are a perfect environment for an arms race in...
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    Trained in India, to fight in Iraq and afghanistan

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    Asia's defence spending overtakes Europe's

    india already with west,he already make his mind west is better than east lol according to BJP forgien doctrine (NDA) SINCE 2005.USA AND INDIA has alliance against china,so pakistan china already give tough time to india and USA in srilanka.
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    New show down of NATO with Russia in EAST Europe

    it is not matter of russian power it's matter of integrity of small country on the planet,USA is doing shittee in afghanistan ,iraq,and other places in the world,russia is doing in east and central asia along cacuass.
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    Israel – India Nexus - Dangerous to Iran Nuke By Zaheerul Hassan

    indian silence is really amazing for you but not for us,just see India launches Israeli satellite 21 January 2008 The Israeli press is reporting that the satellite will improve Israel's ability to monitor Iran's military activities. Indian officials that given these sensitivities, the operation...
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    Trained in India, to fight in Iraq and afghanistan

    An Indo-US wargame that ended 30 OCTOBER in Uttar Pradesh helped retrain part of an American contingent that went into action in Iraq and will be redeployed in the war-ravaged country, scaling up the bilateral exercise that was originally projected as a peace-keeping drill. Exercise Yudh...
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    New show down of NATO with Russia in EAST Europe

    what's reason behind not taking part in discussion? is it's not a good topic to discuss in that's forum.
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    New show down of NATO with Russia in EAST Europe

    New show down of NATO with Russia in EAST Europe (Transdniester vs. Moldova) Better to see toward east not WEST Who today can exist without Russia?" Small nations are like indecently dressed women—they tempt the evil minded. —Julius Nyerere, President of...
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    To get a sense of how modern technology can be put to use in the service of ancient tradition, one might want to consider a visit to the Yildirim internet cafe in Gokce, a small, poor and dusty village near Turkey’s southern border with Syria. When Hasip Yildirim, a 34-year-old former truck...
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    Obama Administration Launches Deceptive Swine Flu Propaganda Blitz

    Obama Administration Launches Deceptive Swine Flu Propaganda Blitz To Counter Growing Criticism from Scientific and Medical Community by Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null. President Obama and his top health officials are engaging in a major public relations effort to divert...
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    The balkanization of Sri Lanka by Periphery and role of SCO?

    The balkanization of Sri Lanka by Periphery and role of SCO? SCO and NATO conflict is South Asia “Sri Lanka knows it can rely on support from China, Pakistan, Iran and Russia to safe it’s country from (Periphery) USA, Australia, British Japan, Canada, the European Union.and India were in...
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