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  1. P

    Taiwan would not survive month of attack

    lol what will anyone get from ambassadors.
  2. P

    Taiwan would not survive month of attack

    We don't need to, Taiwanese are doing it themselves. No wonder why China couldn't do anything yet:whistle:
  3. P

    IAF/IN Missiles and Ordinance - Info pool

    Shaurya (missile) Type: Ballistic Missile Manufacturer : DRDO Weight : 6.2 tons (6.8 short tons) Length : 10 m (33 ft) Warhead : 180 to 1000 kg Operational Range : 700 km @1000 kg and 1900 km @ 180 kg Speed : Mach 7.5
  4. P

    Taiwan would not survive month of attack

    I didn't even mention the duration of war, you assumed it. And why wouldn't US help them. And BTW they've got anti aircraft missiles, anti-ship missiles, anti tank missiles and artillery, etc. Isn't it enough to defend itself and they've got support of US too. And why Taiwan won't use wmd if it...
  5. P

    Taiwan would not survive month of attack

    What crap? I am just saying what nuclear weapon is capable of, is that crap?
  6. P

    Taiwan would not survive month of attack

    Yeah my bad I actually was saying economically down. Not WHOLE China, that's near to impossible for Taiwan. You read my previous post, right? Then my friend you missed this word probably - Weapons of MASS DESTRUCTION. Taiwan isn't Tibet, they've got enough weaponry to handicap China. Nuclear is...
  7. P

    Taiwan would not survive month of attack

    Again there's nothing with Indians here I am just posting how I feel. Don't generalize statements unnecessarily. And please had it been so, why they would've been purchasing waepons. They would've given up. Why waste money when you know it's of no use. Think!
  8. P

    Taiwan would not survive month of attack

    Read my latest post above. By down I meant economically. of course not WHOLE China.
  9. P

    Taiwan would not survive month of attack

    Please read my post again I didn't say china won't be able to defeat Taiwan I said it will also be very costly for china. They've got weapons of mass destruction, which I believe is enough to make anyone stay away from war.
  10. P

    Taiwan would not survive month of attack

    How funny it is chinese on thisn forum thinks that they are mighty super power and nobody can do anything to them. Hello! Each and every country know how to fight any invasion. It's not just a piece of cake that Taiwan will give Chinese like "oh here you go, it's yours now" if they are attacked...
  11. P

    Anti-Hindu dramas in Pakistani TV channel

    There's whole lot difference between a religion and a country, the religion which u are showing in a badlight LIVES in your country itself but pakistani don't live in India, so where in the world will it effect them whereas pakistani hindus will get AFFECTED because of this nuisance..
  12. P

    A Bitter Question About So Called Indian Economic Development & Naxalite–Maoist Movement.

    You are lucky I've got enough self control, else you would've turned atheist if I would've started.. :coffee: @Dillinger I think he have gone far enough now. Please ban this troll forever.
  13. P

    A Bitter Question About So Called Indian Economic Development & Naxalite–Maoist Movement.

    @WebMaster @Aeronaut @Oscar He is using religious terms in an offending manner please ban this guy.
  14. P

    A Bitter Question About So Called Indian Economic Development & Naxalite–Maoist Movement.

    Oh really? Then why don't Pakistan allow their terrorists to blow and bomb Pakistan as a signature of freedom and respecting the difference. Asking to provide freedom to naxals is just like asking for freedom to terrorists to do what they want.
  15. P

    Indian’s Invention Might Just Be The Next Big Thing In Tech

    Dayum, awesome these guys have already outdated the smartwatch. Keep up the good work guys. Guess private players for example Samsung, apple, etc will soon approach these guys for offers ;) Proud of these geeks. Yeah right, guess that's why people have crowned these guys with fund worth $200k...
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