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  1. Kerel

    ISIL gives 3 days for guards to evacuate the tomb

    Erdoğan needs a diversion from the corruption cases so he is using his proxies in Syria to threaten Turkey. This gives him a war and voila... no more corruption case. Miserable fvcker...
  2. Kerel

    15-year-old Gezi victim Berkin Elvan dies after 269 days in coma

    Running a country is different from running a municipality. Having only tunnels, roads etc. to brag about is just pathetic.
  3. Kerel

    15-year-old Gezi victim Berkin Elvan dies after 269 days in coma

    You know what they say... Denial is a defence mechanism.
  4. Kerel

    15-year-old Gezi victim Berkin Elvan dies after 269 days in coma

    I am astonished at some of my fellow countrymen's comments about the death of a 15 year old boy. You are saying that he deserved to die. Do you know what Erdoğan deserves? He deserves the punishment of a munafiq. What is a munafiq? Probably our Muslim members know what it means but for our...
  5. Kerel

    Turkish Politics & Internal Affairs

    well...It doesn't matter who started war anymore. Who will finish the war matters more. I think Erdoğan will win at the end but it will be a pyrrhic victory for him. Victory with a great cost. Between this war, we will be fudged. Pity...
  6. Kerel

    Turkish Politics & Internal Affairs

    Greetings... This is my first post so please be gentle. I have been following this anti-corruption operations and the notorious tapes from day one. From what I see, there has been a long cold war between Erdoğan and Gülen for a long time. When AKP passed the preparatory school law from the...
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