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  1. Mockingjay

    BGB killed 4 Myanmar military members in response to unprovoked attack and killing 1 BGB member

    I am not good in History but what i do know is history can be changed depends on religious, tradition, gov and people. So, very often history is differ from one country to another. No one actually know and assume what was the exact truth is. I am not saying my believe is truth either yours but I...
  2. Mockingjay

    BGB killed 4 Myanmar military members in response to unprovoked attack and killing 1 BGB member

    At least, you r not a guy who generaise snd insult to others.
  3. Mockingjay

    BGB killed 4 Myanmar military members in response to unprovoked attack and killing 1 BGB member

    Bd , i have read many of your posts. So i know who you r. But for him, he usually insult us in otherd threads as well.
  4. Mockingjay

    BGB killed 4 Myanmar military members in response to unprovoked attack and killing 1 BGB member

    He is better now, he was racis and rude, he used to call us monkey but he doent realise how bd really is or he just ignored what they really r.
  5. Mockingjay

    BGB killed 4 Myanmar military members in response to unprovoked attack and killing 1 BGB member

    I hope this will happen in 5 yrs before your country disappear under water.
  6. Mockingjay

    BGB killed 4 Myanmar military members in response to unprovoked attack and killing 1 BGB member

    I know you have nth to proud of yourself but only for otherd asians. Btw, i was not talking about how old is your history, i was talking about achievement history. Manufacturing what? Clothings?
  7. Mockingjay

    BGB killed 4 Myanmar military members in response to unprovoked attack and killing 1 BGB member

    You are talking about japan? Do you have history like japan? The same population, the same genetic, do you own corporstion\factories like toyota, nissan, mitsubishi, all you have is clothing factories which has poor condition. there are no similarities between bd and japan. Aww talking about...
  8. Mockingjay

    BGB killed 4 Myanmar military members in response to unprovoked attack and killing 1 BGB member

    I wonder why they dont know their current condition. i doubt, they will migrate to neighbour countries especially india and will become more Rohingyas to seek asylum. Bd guys, accept the truth and say '' we are slave of the whole world''. Does it hurt to hear the truth?
  9. Mockingjay

    BGB killed 4 Myanmar military members in response to unprovoked attack and killing 1 BGB member

    We csn We can switch the way of our spending anytime necessary but for you, living in a pussy size country with unstopable population and going to sink soon. Think a bout it, what will happen next in 2020. india is very different. They have enough land and the country itself is stable until you...
  10. Mockingjay

    BGB killed 4 Myanmar military members in response to unprovoked attack and killing 1 BGB member

    N yes, it is true and, they are going to say ''our economy is 2 times bigger than myanmar'', but they never think, their population is 3-4 times bigger and their country size is as tiny as 3-4 times smaller than myanmar. On top of that half of the area will go under water soon. It will be like...
  11. Mockingjay

    BGB killed 4 Myanmar military members in response to unprovoked attack and killing 1 BGB member

    Hi l Hey bro @kalu_miah and Bandula, we have wasted our time more than enough here. I.understand for kalu, you want to have a good gov for your country. I respect that you never insult to others. Bandula, we better to leave here. Some are just one sided. We r only two. Some will just kept on...
  12. Mockingjay

    BGB killed 4 Myanmar military members in response to unprovoked attack and killing 1 BGB member

    Well, i am saying tye basic equipments like a bullet proof what is necessary. War is not a fight between 100 to 100 men with the best equipments. For a photo, for a show, for a few hundred men out of thirty thousand, the best equipments can be seen. But the reality is do they really use in the...
  13. Mockingjay

    BGB killed 4 Myanmar military members in response to unprovoked attack and killing 1 BGB member

    Yes, You r saying the siturstion before 2000. I only see the evidances. You can see in the photo who is better equipped. Soneone said bd soilders are border guard not soilders. For me,there is no different for someone who risk their life for a country, should have the same equipments and...
  14. Mockingjay

    BGB killed 4 Myanmar military members in response to unprovoked attack and killing 1 BGB member

    Hi Hi idune, it is true, there is nth we can do now. It is always nice to see such a posts. Some just tried to insult our country but your post is very mature and it is what we need now. Hope the both militaries has the positive directions and actions in the future.
  15. Mockingjay

    BGB killed 4 Myanmar military members in response to unprovoked attack and killing 1 BGB member

    Of Course, since 2005, military, also gov strated to relese news and info what going on with frontline.. but thi is not subject abouti am saying. I said you r are making a fake news for revengue.. and i am not asking the sources from myanmar side . I am asking, any reliable sources even from bd...
  16. Mockingjay

    BGB killed 4 Myanmar military members in response to unprovoked attack and killing 1 BGB member

    What i can see now is you r trying to convince this new is correct without any proper sources or evidances. So that i will say, you will feel better for saying.. *yay we kill them back.. whatever it is a fake news or not. You wont care.. you will Try to spread the news as much as you can, make...
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