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  1. M

    Finland Should opt for the F-35 over Gripen

    why not? Finland only have 5 millions or so resident, but with 250 billions GDP, Which is top 41, even ahead of Israel (240 billions 8 millions people). If Israel have money to burn and buy all high tech US weapon, naturally, Finland, with more money and less people would have more money to...
  2. M

    Finland Should opt for the F-35 over Gripen

    No, not because of socialism. It's basic consumer principle. If I have $1000, I may choose wisely to choose an item from $500, $300, and $100 as I will choose the price according to the quality and functionality, so if the $100 item does not deprived so much on the $500, or $200, I will choose...
  3. M

    Australia to buy 58 new F-35 fighter jets

    So is the US has been spying French and Germany, so should we say French and Germany have a beef with the US?? Well, if a country's president held grudge over some spying, then I guess either the whole war should be already at war, as everybody is spying everybody, or that would be the most...
  4. M

    Finland Should opt for the F-35 over Gripen

    Well, they can afford it. So why choose fourth best, if they can buy the best and second best?
  5. M

    Australia to buy 58 new F-35 fighter jets

    Who said we have beef with Indonesia??
  6. M

    Australia to buy 58 new F-35 fighter jets

    Then you have modified the argument.. If that's not China and or Russia themselves, then what you need to look at a few possible master scenario too, 1.) Would Russia or China sell their Primo tech to any country?? 2.) If so, in what kind of quantity? 3.) And what kind of quality? Problem...
  7. M

    Australia to buy 58 new F-35 fighter jets

    but then if you say so, then Australia on its own is also as good as dead, Russian and Chinese Troop would eat Australian troop like breakfast, then why bother with the defense. Or you can honestly look me in the face and say we have a chance alone if Russia or Chinese decided to invade...
  8. M

    Sweden to Boost Military Spending

    Indeed We still use Mora in Swedish Military KJ Eriksson Mora Sweden or CA Mora kniv They are the best survival knife there are, you can't beat it, even with Swiss army knife.......Maybe I am trying to sell it too hard
  9. M

    Australia to buy 58 new F-35 fighter jets

    Am I gloating? I thought I as asking a simple question. If you feel offended by it, then I am sorry for making you feel that way. Problem with a small air force (Australia have a small air force) it's not just air space monitoring would be a problem, but also sea lane and even law enforcement...
  10. M

    Sweden to Boost Military Spending

    Don't know why people see Swede as peaceful and weak. We did not sit through 2 World war without fighting anybody by being peaceful and weak. In fact, it's quite the contrary. It's about time we increase our budget, we put in a wrong thought that by joining EU we don't need to shoulder the...
  11. M

    Australia to buy 58 new F-35 fighter jets

    If you count potential enemy, then none. But does that mean we should disband Australian defense force because we have no potential enemy and it's just a waste of time and money?? When you talking about defending a country, you talking about defend ALL ENEMY. Not just anyone near. As you may...
  12. M

    Russian Cars are superior to German Cars

    All I can say is, the only time I wish I am in a Russian Car is when I have to hit a brickwall with full speed. Being in a German car, I will probably died. But being in a Russia car, those thing build like a tank and even volvo would not provide such a security against a brick wall.
  13. M

    Australia to buy 58 new F-35 fighter jets

    The eventual number the Aussies is going to purchase is 100 with another 24 optional. That make the total RAAF strength to 24 FA-18F Super Horner 12 FA-18G Growler 100(+24) F-35 Lighting II Still, looking at a defense force with 100 or so F-35 is not enough to cover all the sealane and air...
  14. M

    Post Ratings Review Board.

    the post rating thing only good when you have a guideline on how to do it and when to do it, and a proper way to enforce the system so that it cannot be abused. If people can just rate anything to anything without the enforcement stage then the "Judging" by rating it would negated. Since there...
  15. M

    God created War so Americans would learn Geography

    Maybe it's the other way around He is too stupid for me to understand.........
  16. M

    Conflict in Mindanao/Philippines

    well, I have already made a complaint on the suggestion and discussion forum, so any more of these please move to the forum topic for any correspondent, I suggest we do not take any further bandwidth from this topic and derail it already
  17. M

    Conflict in Mindanao/Philippines

    seems like you are the one should educate yourself about the importantance of context of language. I want to ask you this, up front, Do you speak Spanish? Any Spanish at all? Do you know exactly why mestizo is an ethnic slur in Hispanic world?? I cannot teach you the whole South and Central...
  18. M

    God created War so Americans would learn Geography

    Kind of rich coming from a man who start calling names. So, what the point of putting up a thread like this? Is it a sole patent that russophobic American fail at geography? Russian fishermen fail in geography yet again - wsrw.org Russian geography teacher couldn't find projector (up his...
  19. M

    Conflict in Mindanao/Philippines

    The word in question is Spanish origin, of course people who don't speak Spanish will not be offended by it. For people who don't speak Spanish or don't know the origin of this word, the word has no special meaning However, as I say this many time here, Mestizo when used correctly is very...
  20. M

    Conflict in Mindanao/Philippines

    well, it's a slur, regardless, and if it's a slur, then someone will take offense with it Is it a taboo is not matter, as I said, in some situation it is perfectly alright to use this word. But this is no of those occasion. They put the word in the racial slur database for a reason.....It is...
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