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  1. B

    sir.. would you please post make this link sticky on the forums and let everyone know what the...

    sir.. would you please post make this link sticky on the forums and let everyone know what the whole sawat fata baluchistan events are going to lead to OBAMA’S BREAK UP OF PAKISTAN Pak Alert Press i cant even post the link as ia have to make 15posts first.i wudnt want to spam as a new...
  2. B

    US expands war into Pakistan

    id love to post a link over here ...but the rules say i have to do 15 posts first :S to shorten up ...usa is going to split pakistan.. go google it .. and u will see the neocon plan ..and the new map for the year 2010
  3. B

    Swat Peace Deal - The Aftermath

    i think enough is enough...people of pakistan now need to realise what usa is doing ..and stand up to them
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