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  1. F

    The Glory of the Mughal Empire

    Yep. One of the Palaces of the Vijayanagar Empire But unlike the Mughal rulers the rulers of the Vijayanagara Empire were also great patrons of science as the greatest mathematicians of medieval India lived in the Vijayanagara Empire.
  2. F

    The Glory of the Mughal Empire

    The funniest joke that I have ever heard
  3. F

    The Glory of the Mughal Empire

    Aurangzeb was truly the worst ruler of the Mughal Dynasty. He started the war against the Marathas of the Maratha Empire which led to the collapse of the Mughal Dynasty.
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    The Glory of the Mughal Empire

    Nope. The Gupta Empire and the Rashtrakuta Empire were imperial Dynasties which dominated the major part of India. The Rashtrakuta Empire was even described by the Arabs as one of the 4 great Empires of the world in the 9th century and the Gupta Empire was one of the greatest patrons of science...
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    The Glory of the Mughal Empire

    Ok. Lets search for the descendants of the imperial Maurya Empire, Gupta Empire, Rashtrakuta Empire, Chola Empire, Pratihara Empire, Vijayanagar Empire and Maratha Empire and give them land. Don't be ridiculous. There is no need to treat the descendants of the Mughals differently.
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    The Glory of the Mughal Empire

    I don't even understand why the Mughals should be treated differently compared to other Indian Dynasties and Indian royal families.
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    The Glory of the Mughal Empire

    There were hundreds of Dynasties in Indian history. Its impossible for India to give land to every royal family.
  8. F

    Khiljis are Pashtuns

    The Huns did not mix with north Indians. The Huns were defeated by the Indian ruler Yasodharman in the 6th century and by the Indian Emperor Harsha in the 7th century and were driven out of India. The Huns were described as barbarians or Mlecchas by the Indian scholars and the ancient Indians...
  9. F

    Khiljis are Pashtuns

    Parts of of Gujarat were ruled by the southern Indian Chalukya Dynasty and the kingdom that the Chalukya rulers established in Gujarat became later known as the Solanki kingdom so its pretty obvious that the first rulers of the Solanki kingdom in Gujarat were descendants of the Chalukya...
  10. F

    Khiljis are Pashtuns

    The northern Indian Kshatriyas were not destroyed by the Shakas or Hephtalites. The Shakas or Scythians were destroyed by the Gupta Empire and the Hephtalites were destroyed by Yasodharman of the Aulikara kingdom and were driven out of India. Its true that some Rajputs like the Rathore, Solanki...
  11. F

    Rise of Islam in Bengal, role of migration

    Thats very funny. How on earth can a guy from Bangladesh even compare himself with Indians. Bangladesh and Afghanistan are the least developed and worst regions of South Asia and you try to insult Indians like the people from Kerala which is one of the most developed regions of South Asia...
  12. F

    Why is the southern part of South Asia more developed than the northern part of South Asia

    I highly doubt that this is the main reason. The difference between more developed regions in southern peninsular India like Maharashtra and Kerala and underdeveloped regions like Afghanistan and Bangladesh is huge. There are barely any continents or regions in the world where the difference in...
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    How Bollywood is Failing The Women of India-Forbes

    Thats the reason why I prefer Indian serials which have a good story and which teach about moral values like these ones.
  14. F

    How to prevent illegal Bangladeshi immigration

    Do you mean the Maurya Empire? That was more than 2000 years ago. There is no benefit for us to unify with Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan.
  15. F

    How to prevent illegal Bangladeshi immigration

    Don't be ridiculous. Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan are the worst countries of South Asia. You have to be insane to unify with those countries.
  16. F

    What is your most favorite ancient empire / civilization? Give 5 reasons why

    The ancient Indian text Mudraraksasa gives credit to Chandragupta II for the destruction of the barbaric Scythians and for the protection of India. The text states: The Self-begotten God did once assume The fitting body of a mighty Boar And on his snout did save the troubled Earth Nurse of all...
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    Why is the southern part of South Asia more developed than the northern part of South Asia

    North Indians do not fight for religion. Only Afghans and Pakistanis do that because of tribalism and radicalism.
  18. F

    Were the people of the Deccan the most powerful people in South Asian History

    The people of the Deccan created some of the greatest and most powerful Dynasties in South Asian history like the Satavahana Dynasty, Chalukya Dynasty, Rashtrakuta Empire, Western Chalukya Empire, Vijayanagara Empire and Maratha Empire. They were very successful in resisting foreign invasions...
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    Sultan Mahmood Ghanzavi

    Most of the Indian schools teach about the Maurya Empire and Gupta Empire but many Indian schools do not teach about the Kannauj triangle period which is disappointing.
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    Sultan Mahmood Ghanzavi

    Thats very funny. What did the Pakistanis achieve in the past apart from the fact that Pakistan was ruled for more than 2000 years by foreigners. It was the Mauryan kings from eastern India who conquered Pakistan and liberated Pakistan from Greek rule in the past. The Gupta kings from eastern...
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