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  1. alikayani

    Rangers murder young boy in Karachi

    No the biggest threat we have is from people like you, who are always in search of something to spread anti-army propaganda. You can trust me on this!:no:
  2. alikayani

    Lawyers shower Pakistan governor's assassin with rose petals

    My ID CARD Happy now?:yahoo:
  3. alikayani

    Lawyers shower Pakistan governor's assassin with rose petals

    or is it infidel u wanted to say?:sniper:
  4. alikayani

    Lawyers shower Pakistan governor's assassin with rose petals

    Everybody will be happy if you change your avatar to this one:azn: :azn:
  5. alikayani

    Photos of the Chinese Armed Forces

    this gun is so sick!!!:smitten:
  6. alikayani

    Musharraf justifies relationship with Israel

    we should go ahead and recognize Israel and remove as many people from our enemies lists as we can! We have no disputes with Israel, and this animosity costs us very very dearly in international forums, where Israel has gigantic influence.
  7. alikayani

    Governor Punjab, Salman Taseer, Killed.

    look at his face, moron:angry::angry::angry:
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