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  1. P

    Colombo and its new look !

    colombo some random pics colombo south port colombo international container terminal colombo old port
  2. P

    10 reasons why I'll never become ( Indian)PM

    so many scraping..at the end nothing will remain :agree:
  3. P

    Sri Lanka & Pakistan holds Joint Naval Exercises

    benefit for both countries
  4. P

    Pakistan Army exhibits anti-drone technology

    from where these drone originate? US bases in afganistan?
  5. P

    India's Mars mission: worth the cost?

    hehe..when i saw the news i thought the same
  6. P

    IMF Latest GDP Forecasts for South Asia

    srilanka is in nominal growth these days achiving 4000usd capital almost there
  7. P

    China’s nuclear reactors in Pakistan are ‘matter of concern’: India

    ''Last year, China launched a satellite for Sri Lanka and is scheduled to launch the island nation’s first communications satellite in 2015. The private Sri Lankan firm the Chinese collaborated with includes President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s son in its top management.'' so what? if...
  8. P

    China-made mobile phones help Bangladesh telecom boom

    but those mobiles easily breakable:p::p:
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