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  1. M

    Who are the world's craziest rulers?

    1) fascist Obama 2) fascist Cameron 3) fascist Hollande
  2. M

    Who are the world's craziest rulers?

    1) fascist Obama 2) fascist Cameron 3) fascist Hollande
  3. M

    US scientists boycott Nasa conference over China ban

    You might have US citizenship but you're not an American. You are a Vietnamese living in America, that's not a real American. Top secret clearance? :lol: oh puhleeze, enough with these fantasy stories. Getting tired of these made up stories dude. Getting pretty tired of such nonsense.
  4. M

    Chile backs India, Brazil's UNSC bid

    United States of America.
  5. M

    US scientists boycott Nasa conference over China ban

    Who is 'we'? :lol: Sorry, you're not an American no matter how hard you try to convince everyone. You will always remain a Vietnamese, so stop trying to argue with us by living off the success of America. Compare your Vietnam with us.
  6. M

    Chile backs India, Brazil's UNSC bid

    You need an independent foreign policy to be a permanent member of the UNSC. And India fails to fit this criteria. You cannot become a major power if you are a mere vassal state of another power. Until India gets an independent foreign policy, India will not get permanent seat in the UNSC...
  7. M

    US scientists boycott Nasa conference over China ban

    What came out of your Vietnam?
  8. M

    India's greatest gifts to China : Kung Fu and Zen Buddhism

    India never invented zero. It's as big a hoax as saying 36% of NASA is made up of Indians :lol:
  9. M

    US scientists boycott Nasa conference over China ban

    All the things you mentioned apply to India plus a lot more, but since India is not a threat to western dominance and we have an independent foreign policy we get all the western rubbish. It's a sign of our success, not our failure. The fact western media ignore you should tell you where India...
  10. M

    US scientists boycott Nasa conference over China ban

    :lol: what a dumb azz comment. I for one hope we buy their technology and if they refuse just steal it. The west had no problems stealing all the technologies from other countries throughout the last 500-600 years to get powerful. We will do it in reverse. Technology is technology, doesn't...
  11. M

    US scientists boycott Nasa conference over China ban

    Phases of new change: 1) IGNORE you. 2) LAUGH at you. 3) Live in DENIAL. 4) Hope for COLLAPSE. 5) CONTAIN (powerful countries)/FIGHT(weak countries). 6) ACCEPT you. We are in stage 5.
  12. M

    Foreign Policy: India is flooding the world with tainted drugs.

    Indians are very anti-business people and they have total disregard for the rule of law. I'm disgusted by their cheating.
  13. M

    China is polluting Mt.Fuji, claims Japan study

    @Oscar @nuclearpak please close this anti/China troll thread.
  14. M

    US scientists boycott Nasa conference over China ban

    That Frank Wolf geezer is a disgusting Yankee racist.
  15. M

    India's greatest gifts to China : Kung Fu and Zen Buddhism

    What's wrong with it? He just stated facts.
  16. M

    * India Air Force plans bases along China border

    Building bases and building missiles, but can't to a damn thing when our military decides to enter India like a boss. Only thing India will ever be good at is boasting.
  17. M

    Israel’s History of Chemical Weapons Use

    These Zionists are disgusting. A stain on the underwear of life!
  18. M

    Toddler Chained To Fence By Syrian Rebel And Forced to Watch Parents killed

    Terrorists of the worst kind. The terrorists inside Syria should be killed and the countries sending these terrorists (Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey) should be nuked back to the Stone Age. Russia needs to bomb these 3 countries all the way to hell.
  19. M

    Foreign Policy: India is flooding the world with tainted drugs.

    Unfortunately in 3rd world countries like India, they don't have any rules. India is the corruption capital of the world.
  20. M

    India's greatest gifts to China : Kung Fu and Zen Buddhism

    India invented the human race too :lol:
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