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  1. Yabgu

    Ban on Kurdish letters to be lifted with democracy package

    Hahaha your not immigrants then what are you. Because when I read the country name it says Türkiye , language Turkish. If your not immigrants then why didn't you have a land for thousands of years. If your not immigrants then you have to live peacefully like a human being.
  2. Yabgu

    Ban on Kurdish letters to be lifted with democracy package

    I want Turkish in Germany as a compulsory subject, in Zimbabwe on Netherlands in Canada as well. The German speaking in USA (10 million) Italian speaking should ask for Italian and German compulsory. Do you see your stupidity...
  3. Yabgu

    Ban on Kurdish letters to be lifted with democracy package

    Nobody is saying don't respect them but it's funny to ask for your language in another country. It's like me going to Zimbabwe and saying you need to make turkish in official education. Just because you live in that country it's not yours. As the name suggests it's land of Turks that have ruled...
  4. Yabgu

    Ban on Kurdish letters to be lifted with democracy package

    Kurdish is not a language, how could these people who never had a country since their existence want something?? They should just live in the caves
  5. Yabgu

    Ban on Kurdish letters to be lifted with democracy package

    Erdoan is playing with fire, he will be hanged like Menderes one day. We should deport all terrorists and build 10m thick walls with guards everywhere so these dirty rats don't come back. Deporting 3 million pkk supporters isn't a problem.
  6. Yabgu

    Crypto Jew Generals of Turkish Army

    Lan olum bunlar sahte. These are photoshopped the first two photos and you put them.
  7. Yabgu

    Timur: Genious conquerer or savage barbarian?

    Read your comment first and then see stupidity. I bet you love your civilized British rulers?
  8. Yabgu

    Timur: Genious conquerer or savage barbarian?

    Doesn't matter, Uzbeks consider him national hero and they are brothers. We are from the same race. Did you personally meet him? Alexander Lol what do you know about him other than fantasies
  9. Yabgu

    HVKK (TURAF) shots down Syrian Mi-17

    I'm very Suprised, how could AKP allow this I'm Suprised I bet the army said it's enough.... Killing 2 pilots.. Just threatening... 52 civilians killed.. Threatening.. He turned us into a joke and probably the army as fed up. We had to do something much worse way before
  10. Yabgu

    The Great Seljuq Empire

    Selçuklu imparatorluğu is very important for us. Seljuks was the successors to the many Turkish empires, Ottoman was the successor to Seljuks. And now the Republic is the successor to ALL.
  11. Yabgu

    Babur and Moghul

    They were Turkish ( Turkic is just a fake word made by some). Anyone who doubts this don't know any history.
  12. Yabgu

    Turkish Tea House

    Sen türkmusun? Google Translate değil yazmana bakarsak. Eski Tadı kalmadı kurtlar Vadisi'nin ilk kurtlar vadisi en iyisidi.
  13. Yabgu

    ANKA could further delays after a Chinese company bought the German firm

    Yes if we talk solely about reliability there's no doubt Japanese cars are much more reliable than German cars especially 2000+ German cars. The German car reliablility was in the past 80s 90s nowadays they are way behind and the most reliable car engine is probably Honda. However if we talk...
  14. Yabgu

    ANKA could further delays after a Chinese company bought the German firm

    Oh come on did you ever get in a Lexus? Its a great car. Also I never compared them cars i compared the engine, Toyota, honda and other Japanese engines are much more RELIABLE. The inside of the German cars are better though they are more luxurious.
  15. Yabgu

    ANKA could further delays after a Chinese company bought the German firm

    No. I compared them because they are similar priced and similar class. A maybach and Lexus is different class. You could compare maybach and rolls Royce but not Lexus. Lexus is comparable to bmw, Mercedes, Audi as they are similar priced.
  16. Yabgu

    ANKA could further delays after a Chinese company bought the German firm

    Hahahaha typical comments of someone who knows nothing. Did I say it was better overall, I said the engines was better. German cars are just more for inside these days they are more comfortable and luxurious and better equipment. Just check any statistics, Japanese engines go for way longer...
  17. Yabgu

    Turkish man rapes and murders Japanese Tourists

    I dnt know if it's true, but many Japanese people came from Japan maybe their friends and stuff and there was hundreds of local people supporting the Japanese people and trying to support them. What more can they do. I don't think it was targeted because their Japanese just unfortunate. I will...
  18. Yabgu

    Turkish Tea House

    Şimdi canım çok çekti. Cola gitmez onunla ama ayran daha iyi.
  19. Yabgu

    Turkish man rapes and murders Japanese Tourists

    Considering 35 million tourists visit, there is very very very few incidents.
  20. Yabgu

    Turkish man rapes and murders Japanese Tourists

    I suggest they go to Iran from now on. They have many places to visit Great mountains and caves, they can burn wood with iranians. Deserts where they can ride on camels. Visit tehran where they need to wear gas masks because of pollution. And many many more attractions.
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